
Thanks for the article Mike.

Yah this is terrible poll and completely inaccurate. 200 people is a tiny sample size, and as you said Brian, it’s made up of students (younger generation), I’m guessing many of whom have never played the most revered / critically-acclaimed Final Fantasies (IV, VI, etc.).

I haven’t played Romance of the Three Kingdoms in many iterations, but for those that have never played them, the series was almost as compelling as Civilization back in the day.

Totally agree. I wasn’t expecting any VO, but hearing the Princess Zelda’s English Dubbed Voice, it’s *awful*! :(

I agree Zarya’s costumes are bad, but her new Winter Taunt is *awesome*! (randomized Mystery Gift being opened each time.)

Jason, really awesome review!

Hi Oji,


Agreed! I really hope Blizzard releases a super high quality Overwatch CG Movie in Theaters (I’d watch that!); or makes a full on Story Mode. :)

Your Name will run at Los Angeles’ Laemmle Music Hall for one week, Dec. 2 to 9, qualifying it for the 2016 Oscars. A film must run for a week in LA county in order to qualify. A wider theatrical release is planned for the first quarter of 2017.

Question for active FFXIV players:

I was mildly interested in this game seeing it at E3. But this latest trailer has the worst English Dubbing I’ve ever heard. It’s cringe-worthy! :(