Kotaku is Islamophobic

Why would someone use their real name on a Steam account, purchase adult material, and keep their library public?

I understand the type of information that was on Facebook, as in addresses, phone-numbers, emails, political beliefs, family members, etc.

Dragon Age: Inquisition was a letdown. I wasn’t a fan of the spammy action combat or the characters. Especially the characters, since I didn’t feel like I was in a fantasy world, but instead some city drama.

Congratulations to Tabata-san. I’ve been really impressed with him over the years, and I think we can expect great things from this studio.

I’m fascinated by your blind hatred of DragonBall. That episode had so many sakugas from world renowned animators that people will be taking about it for years. Even One Punch Man’s brilliant Saitama versus Boros fight was overshadowed.

Who says that their tennis rackets are 28 inches? They don’t have to conform to our standards in the Mushroom Kingdom. Luigi’s flaccid penis is atleast 5 inches.

Yeah, I wasn’t happy when I found out it was a Gamestop exclusive. I haven’t bought a game from them since what they did with the original Xenoblade.

I agree. I’d pay $60 for just this amiibo.

I’m not saying anything about your argument of DBZ’s animation. However, Goku versus Cell was well-animated and full of sakuga.

That is a terrible example. Goku versus Cell was was very animated and still holds up to this day. Taking a still from a dynamic fight-scene doesn’t mean much because what matters is how it looks in motion. For a slice-of-life, however, it is mostly the opposite because there isn’t much motion.

This article hit home really hard with me because I’ve also been stuck on SMT IV since its release. Although, what is mainly preventing me from beating it is that I’ve been playing Etrian Odyssey Untold for that entire time, slowly but surely making progress. It is my first game in the series, yet I foolishly decided

I disagree. My friends and I have had lots of fun pvp’ing each other in the last seconds of hunts for many Monster Hunters now, and we’d hate to see it go.

Kudos to the article. Lots of varying and intriguing viewpoints on the matter. I would wish for the commenters to try reading it.

So his witnesses are an infamous cheater and a dead guy?

Ultimate version is arguable. I’ve been playing MH for years and I think XX is the better game.

We need to just forget Twin Galaxies to begin with. The speedrunning community already blacklists them due to their history of corruption.

Isn’t YYH a lot bigger than Sailor Moon? Especially considering that it ‘saved’ Jump at one point.

I have small hands and the Xbone controller is really uncomfortable for me. That said, the Switch joycons have been heaven for me.

When it comes to competitive gaming, people don’t care about gender. The only thing that matters is performance, which is only gated by effort and talent.