I already enjoy my Switch a lot more than my PS4, in terms of UI, hardware, and controllers. As long as Nintendo has a market, there is no reason as to why they should cater to the small population of Sony/MS super-fans.
I already enjoy my Switch a lot more than my PS4, in terms of UI, hardware, and controllers. As long as Nintendo has a market, there is no reason as to why they should cater to the small population of Sony/MS super-fans.
One thing to keep in mind is that if you look on Metacritic, the userscore for BOTW is a 7.5. 3505 scores are positive, 275 are mixed, and 1166 are negative. This launch has been particularly viral, so it is also attracting a lot of hate. The majority of Switch users are pretty content with the hardware.
Although, I…
The Rajang armor is amazing!
What is funny is that people pay $400 for a framerate bump all the time on PC.
My friends and I loved Triforce Heroes. It is really enjoyable when played co-op as intended.
two almost completely similar versions of a game series
Nintendo released the GC controller with the release of Smash 4 on Wii U. Besides that, the scene for 3rd party gamecube controllers is massive, given how many people play Melee.
Why the completely one-sided article? Why not mention Elysium’s response? https://forum.elysium-project.org/topic/32701-our-official-response-to-nostalrius-%E2%80%94-elysium-will-prevail/ And how the community was really happy with it? How there were so many people that Elysium had to create a 4th server?
Everyone knows the Fibonacci sequence, but knowing anything to do with customary units is a waste of time. Therefore this is incredibly helpful for when you have to deal with something like miles.
With no subquests, Xenoblade is 60-80 hours of straight story with cinematic events and engaging fights. There is no grinding necessary.
As a JRPG gamer, the Switch is already a day-one buy for me. Besides the fact that is is getting a sequel to my favorite game of all time, Xenoblade, it is getting Atlus and Square Enix titles as well.
I understand that this is infringement on IP, and is illegal, but how is this piracy?
Jason wrote this? I can imagine the future tweets against him...
And the FF haters come out of the woods.
60 FPS isn’t a concern to developers for the majority of console games that aren’t FPS titles. Besides, FFXV runs very well at a smooth 30 fps.
The developers confirmed that it will support the PS4 Pro. http://www.novacrystallis.com/2016/10/tabata-final-fantasy-xv-will-better-graphics-ps4-pro/
I think Stories was mainly to get at the Youkai Watch and Pokemon audience, considering that they have a Stories anime for kids to accompany the game. If it sells well, I see no reason why they wouldn’t make more.
For the majority of MH fans it is the opposite. Very few care about stories, but instead they care about the actual titles.
Keep up the great work Oda-sensei!