Kotaku is Islamophobic

Melee and Smash4 are different games, and there are many players that play both. Honestly screw anyone who thinks that a community doesn’t have the right to exist.

A screenshotter has to think about time, angle, and many other things as well. Things such as ISO, exposure, and focus are complicated at all for photographers. The hardest part is creativity in knowing what to capture. This creativity, and the level of difficulty to achieve it, is the same in both photography and

Yes, showing why anecdotal evidence is pointless...

That is just anecdotal evidence. For me, I’ve been using the same Logitech keyboard and mouse for over 3 years now.

I don’t know if I could deal with the pop-in and draw-distance. I realize that the engine probably wasn’t built around having such large objects, but I do hope that the modders can work around that. Something like increasing the range of random generation, but having models on the outskirts be low-res until the player

To everyone reading this, I want to recommend ScpToolkit for using DS4 and DS3 controllers. I’ve tested InputMapper, x360ce, ds3 tool, motioninjoy, DS4Windows, and every other utility/driver-set out there. Only one was able to have both my DS4 and DS3 controllers connect 100% of the time with both usb and bluetooth,

Federation Force is pretty good though.

I shouldn’t be hitting a 24 hr ban limit in just over half that time

I absolutely loved Ape Escape when I was younger. I never got the opportunity to play Ape Escape 2, but now that I am reminded, I might as well find a copy.

Yes!! I'm hyped that this game turned out to be good. In a few months when my friends and I have spare time from playing Monster Hunter, we'll definitely be getting this.

I bought this and I do not regret my purchase. Geez, if I had a nickel for everytime FF-haters came out of the woodwork...

Zombies and bows? To be honest, without even knowing about the nonsense that went on with Konami, the trailer looked absolutely terrible. From what I watched, plus from what I remember of Konami and how they treated Kojima, I’d pay money for people to NOT play this game.

Jason, did you get any threats for “delaying” FFXV?

Why is Simcity 4, that came out in 2003, so much better than the newest Simcity? Why do so many publishers suck? ;_;

I’ve been waiting for this game since 2006. I have the Ultimate Collector’s edition preordered and I am probably more hyped for this game than any of you. That said, I am perfectly fine with a 2 month delay.

Was that the Batman theme? Or is it open to interpretation?

I’m at work and I’m bored, so I just want to say hi.

Can I throw my money if I trust specifically in Hajime Tabata to create engaging and high-quality content after the game goes golden? I understand hating the general concept of season passes, given how many publishers abuse it to milk as much money as possible out of consumers. However, it is also situational.

Isn’t this something very common? Where soft-banned players are only matched against other soft-banned players? I don’t mean to derail the Nintendo hate-train, but this happens in all games, including the occasional unfair soft-ban.

It has been a pleasure Patrick. I guess I’ll still see your content through your youtube channel.