
I do this sometimes, when the movie is one I ripped a long time ago and it isn't high-res enough to look good. I'd rather watch it a little smaller than totally blocky and grainy.

But then you have to swipe to make the camera come up. In 5.0 the camera button was a button; now it's a swipe.

Lump of Coal from Ridgeway won our taste test last year. The winning beer's bottle becomes our friends' tree topper!

I switched from Meteorologist to WeatherDock. I missed the in-the-menu-bar radar image, but it turns out I don't need that. Making WeatherDock hide its icon is easy enough: just add a couple lines to the info.plist file inside the application package:

There's ridiculous DRM on that soup cookbook file, but it was easy enough to print it to a PDF. Why do they bother? Argh!

Had I bought an iPad 3G instead of the wifi one, yes. But I didn't, so no.

@pz: My Eneloop charger absolutely is white. No Apple logo, though. It sucks!

@UGAdawg: Yes! I love that sound. They still have them in some big train stations, but it won't be long before they're gone.

I first remember spoiler alerts from 1992, when The Crying Game came out. Every review, every article even tangentially related to it, had big fat warnings at the top. For, like, a year.

@NICU: I've wanted one of these since they started giving them away on The Price Is Right a couple years ago. Do they actually work well? It seems so silly, but I'm sorely tempted.

Tuna can strainer. Stupidest thing in my kitchen drawer but I use it every. damn. time.

Jerram does really interesting work. A couple months ago I got fascinated by his glass models of viruses, which sounds gross but totally isn't. They're just beautiful.

Oh, thank you! I don't make new events in any other way than that widget anymore, can't stand it. It so needed to be an app!

Two things: One, one of my coworkers starts every other email with "P.S.," as though it's a continuation of the previous one. Two, everyone at one of my big clients (an organization you've heard of) has tiny gray triangle images as part of their quotation system. I get emails with ten or fifteen of these gray triangle

@Interstella5555: I was, too, for the longest time, but then I went back and realized things had gotten a lot better. I was honest about my fears and got anesthetic gel so I didn't even feel the needle with the novocaine. Lots of testing to make certain I was numb. And my iPod on the whole time so I couldn't hear

My parents, who are out and about the country in their RV about half the year, use it. It's great to call a number and reach them even when I have no idea if they're home or away that week.

@Brought_to_you_by_CarlsJr: yes, for sure

@Deftly: pedantry knows no borders or we'd both be out of a job

@kingcrim84: using the plural verb for a collective noun is a Britishism. Perfectly correct, just different from what we're used to.