
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream”

Well, your opinion is the minority and pretty lame. How about that?

One of the problems myself and others I know had with the game was that the game just didn’t make a lot of sense. And not the “I need everything explained” kind of way which ruins horror. But that a lot of it just didn’t make sense even within the context of your limited knowledge. I don’t mind not being told

What’s even more strange is that some of the rarest and most powerful mons hatch from 10k eggs. So it’s not okay to use pokevision to find where dratini/lapras/eevee/snorlax spawn, but it is okay to use a roomba to hatch them?

I think those sites and apps did save the game for me. They allowed me to see where the huge dead zones around me are located so I don’t waste time walking there. By knowing where the hot spots tend to be I can save myself from getting pissed that I walked 2 miles and only encountered 2 Pokemon.

Heh, pretty lousy for a developer to complain that we’re cheating when they can’t even outline how the various systems in their own fucking game work to the player.

Egg hatching, distance traveled, the damn three footprints glitch effectively making finding any creatures a guessing game...

Yeah, think I’ll keep

“It takes the fun out of it”

When developers say things like this, I kind of think they’re idiots. YOUR definition of “fun” is not a universal definition of “fun”.

I’ll tell them what. I’ll stop using the API scanners as soon as they fix the fucking 3-step bug. How about that?

Talk about petty...

Since when Gen 1 didn’t assign genders to Pokemon (nidorans excepted) so I was free to decide which ones were male and female and arbitrarily decided the legendary birds were all female.

I don’t get it either. I’ve had a 600 CP Pidgeot take down a 1800 CP Exeguttor simply by dodging.

I like Eevee, don’t get me wrong, it’s a cute little buddy! I’m also lucky to be in a place where they are in the wild frequently.

..but when I’ve hatched I think it’s 4.. 10k eggs.. all being Eevees.. I get a bit depressed. I wish I could trade! I get lots of Eevees even without my unlucky 10k hatches. lol

A lot of pokemon can take down any of the top tier ones. I don’t even know why everyone is so obsessed with getting the top tier ones since basically anything can take it down with the current battle system.

most ubiquitously available critters near them, right up there with Ratatta, Pidgey, and Doduo.

Depends on location, certainly. I’ve heard that it is more common on the east coast, but either way, it’s probably more attainable to the average person than, like, Dragonite.

While I’m the first tell outsiders to ease up on the extreme hate for Pokemon Go....I do have to say the team loyalty stuff is about as stupid as people say the rest of the game is....

I mean do people actually care about their faction at all?

It’s actually a really good thing. Imagine hearing that it was all there was to the game. People would stop playing in weeks and it would be the biggest mobile game burnout ever.

Another tip for throwing Pokéballs at tricky creatures: they are easiest to catch just after they try to resist (you know, like when they lunge at you, or swat the ball away) . So hold your finger on the ball until they make their move, and THEN throw it. I've had really good luck with this.

Yeah...that’s argumentum ad populum, or as Bill Maher put it: