
Stuff downloaded off Napster tended sound awful, but mp3 encoders have gotten a lot better over the years. 128kbs of 20 or 10 years ago is a different thing from 128kbs of today.

Photo caption: AC/DC drummer thinks of nothing but murder all day

The final scene with Barbie was quite something, it's not every day you see a show's hero(?) bash somebody's head in with a baseball bat. Can't wait to see what kind of hijinks he's involved in next week.

Because when you finally have the chance to get some answers, why not ask about a random folder on a computer? Too bad it didn't turn out to be the folder where the dude keeps his weird german porn.

Maybe the return of some of the old guard means we get more actual articles and less great job internet / hear this / watch that.

All kidding aside that really is a fun way to find weird stuff: enter the name of the song in Spotify and scroll down the results. You'd never guess how many jazz-bands have felt the need to cover Blitzkrieg Bop or how many wind instrument based bands play Black Sabbath.

Apparently she has great chemistry with casting directors - the only explanation for her still having the career she has.

I completely agree, the show is so much fun because nobody involved seems to have a clue that it's beyond awful. Lines like "we must harness the power of the egg!" (or the whole life force thing of today's episode) are so much more fun when the actors are dead serious.

I've heard this too, is it actually verified anywhere? I hope it's true, because Miss X is one of the greatest songs of all time.

Whoever chose music for Eastbound & Down (all the seasons except the last one) has done the best job ever in this department.

I've always loved the Death Wish series. They take their fascist fantasy so far over the top that the films make for weird, hilarious & self-serious comedies. And of course the one that's an outright comedy (Death Wish III) is one of the funniest and most quotable films of all time ("I like chicken. Chicken's good.").

They probably needed to go with a name that started with an E to keep the browser's branding / logo close to the current one.

They took the Explorer logo and rastafied it by 10%!

If he quit watching right after the first punch, this ambitious project took more like 4 hours to complete.

Since this is almost related: anybody remember a (Canadian?) anthology show where one of the episodes was about an office where you'd only get promotions by winning your superiors in a baseball bat fight? It was a pretty great show but completely forgot its name and been tried to remember it for years.

Many shows have managed to pull off the feeling of a perfectly ambigious American city without even trying - by filming in Vancouver.

Great Job, Internet is the seat filler of AV Club.

Sounds to me like both The Jam and Elvis Costello where inspired by the same Motown songs.

For Sly Stone 5 million bucks is the kind of money you can live comfortably on for 5 … maybe even 10 days.

20-30 years ago you would've been correct, but things have gotten a lot better since. It's not just "engineers in space" anymore, there are actual characters, compelling plots and great writing overall.