
I mostly object to what seems to be a false equivalency between the victims of the Ashley Madison hack and victims of speech-based harassment. The AM hack and its fallout is awful, but I don't think it's the same as the Sacco affair. I think there's some category error at play, especially when he argues that the

I think you're right that it has changed things. Print changed things, too (it got one king beheaded!).

I wasn't trying to say that it was simple. There is plenty of idiocy to go around and lots of people with ostensibly good principles use shitty tactics. And shame on them.

But those are people who are doing that. The technology is neutral.

Sorry—I edited that out right after I posted it. I think it's true, but I wanted to be fair to Ronson who does highlight the problems women face (although I don't think he has fully theorized his own anxieties—note in the interview how he focuses on male victims).

It brought down Cosby because it wanted to bring somebody down.

The old fogy in me, who is legitimately alarmed by things I see on the internet, wants to agree that web 2.0 and the rise of commenter/complainer culture and social media is coarsening us and making us less considerate.

John Williams will be first composer to receive the AFI Life Achievement Award

"There are two things I know about white people: they love Rachael Ray, and they are terrified of curses."

the social media company is launching Reactions, a feature that will allow users to “express multiple emotions” with clicks of a mouse instead of the typing of letters.

It's funny, you know. I've also asked Leonardo DiCaprio and Christian Bale to refrain from starring as me in a big-budget biopic. And I've been completely successful.

A Million Little Pilots.

I especially love how they cheerfully gut the Constitution with the Patriot Act after 9/11, but do fuck all to stop the 8,000 annual gun-related deaths. Close to three 9/11s worth of people die from gun violence every single year, but we can't even talk about gun control. Because freedom?

My favorite new Huckabeeism is that we should counter gun violence not with sensible gun laws, but with increased citizen surveillance. He encouraged people to call the police if they see behavior "that is a little bit creepy or frightening."

Alas, I've hit an age in which "freeform" refers more to the state of my abs than anything else.

Traditionally, Becomers are in high school, college and the decade that follows and are navigating the wonderful, fun, exciting, and scary time in life when you experience the most firsts—first car, first apartment, first job, first love, first heartbreak” says a network press release.

A duck-billed, egg-laying, venomous mammal?

Looking like that, I'm having a hard time imagining that this is a show:

It's a show about powerful but irrational creatures bent on the destruction of humanity?

- The pizza is free.
- That's good.