
I don’t disagree with this at all. Satan does fail to live up to his own principles—we meet him in Book II “high on a throne of royal state,” which is pretty hard to reconcile with the Revolution. I think that is a clear critique of the Protectorate asserting itself as a new hereditary monarchy, with Tumbledown Dick.

Yeah, it's a book that holds up surprisingly well, both as a reading of Milton and an articulation of reader-response theory. Where that book falters, to my way of thinking, is that it fails to account for the fact that while Milton is certainly not of the devil's party religiously, he definitely is politically. Satan

William Blake said that Milton was of the devil's party, even if he did not know it.

The Medicis are known for leveraging their vast wealth to almost single-handedly usher in the Italian Renaissance. The family funded the creation of libraries, churches and universities.

I'm seeing double! Four naked James Francos!

Still, I bet it's easier for people born in the '90s to lose 20 pounds than it is for people born in the '70s to shed those last stubborn 20 years.

I really hope Ferrell declines. When people engage with Bill O'Reilly and his fact-free ilk, they legitimize his crackpottery and make it seem as if it's something that merits reasoned rebuttal. It does not.

HBO also announced that its dad could totally beat up Showtime's dad.

Scientology is not a cult. It’s just a dogmatic school of thought, taught by a for-profit organization with the promise of social and professional opportunities.

One Million Moms are very confused.

Please, let's not blame the pot.

I said "talented."

“the agent and his female partner will investigate cases while engaged simultaneously in a twisted cat-and-mouse with the would-be assassin empty stool.”

News in Brief: Ongoing Beef with Holo-motif Causes More Grief for Commander-in-Kif, Chief Keef

Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that

Not socially or with colleagues, but in other contexts I do prefer it as I also prefer to address people by their surname.

Los Angeles.

100% sincere answer: appropriate footwear.

That's cold, Jake.

Leno über alles.