
To be fair to The Donald, that is the classiest way to become a veteran.

It really is fantastic. It's joke-a-minute and dark as hell. It's one of the smartest and saddest and funniest things I've seen in a long time.

But..but..they're heroes.

Phil Ochs already took care of the draft dodgers:

I have a cousin who did two tours in Afghanistan (as well as one in the first gulf war), who was backdoor drafted after he was eligible for retirement. He had a shoulder injury that required surgery. They just kept pumping him full of cortisone. It was only when he was unable to draw his weapon that they let him

"Bruce Springsteen, Jon Stewart continue to stand up for veterans"

With his barber?

What's dead may never (contractually) die.

It's obviously a sequel to The Venger.

A cyclops kissing a penis-monster? UPVOTED!!!

They factor into the sorting of comments. A single downvote moves a comment way down in the "best" hierarchy.


I think a "meh" button would get quite a workout.

We need more ways to express our reductive binaristic engagment with the world!

These women have been so shamefully mistreated by the media, from being asked why they didn't bite his dick to being accused of manufacturing rape allegations in order to become famous (because, you know, the world loves a rape victim?). I hope this show manages to give them a voice without being too exploitative.

Finally, these money grubbing fame-whores can tell us in their own words why they want to ruin a good man's legacy.

"It's absurd to say there's absolutely no comedy to be found in one of humanity's biggest, horrible flaws."

I've not seen much South Park, but from what I have, this seems to be the show's M.O. to an uncomfortable extent: "I only made the racist/homophobic joke to make fun of racism/homophobia." But the jokes don't really work unless you actually find their racism or homophobia funny (on their own terms) on some level.

It can be two things.

I give 'em what they want. Pull their hair, rap 'em in the head a few times, say all the little things they want to hear, like 'Fuck, pig, howl, skank.'