
The Diceman on recent immigrants to the US:

Now, if we could all band together to fight other regressive systems of taxation that shift the financial burden of public governance to those who can least affor….

The women enlist German prisoners of war from a nearby internment camp to help maintain the farm and do hard labor, and things start to get steamy.

I believe that Mike Huckabee's position is that the First Amendment won't apply to non-Christians until there's been "enabling legislation."

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A History of Vulpines

Fans can bid on…Starr's used tuxedos.

A “trained seductress” spy who "handles the agency’s most sensitive penetration of Russian intelligence.”

The film will explore the “true source of power for independent women."

Davis will portray a member of a Braavosi acting troupe performing The Bloody Hand, a play satirizing the death of King Robert Baratheon.

Jason Mantzoukas lives in my neighborhood (which proves that being a Hey, It's That Guy isn't very lucrative). I run into him pretty frequently, particularly at this one health food store. I swear, every single time I see him, I inadvertently do something rude, such as accidental line-cutting or elbow jostling. That

How could she resist him? He's handsome, non-threatening, and "just Jewish enough."


Patton Oswalt as “tight-lipped, Italian suit-wearing, tough-dealing throwback to a 1980s Wall Street trader”?

You could root for the Dodgers—maybe you're just being stubborn?

I don't think there's a wrong reason to watch The Thin Blue Line. Not only is it an amazing movie, it's a pretty chilling and timely reminder about police tactics and witness unreliability.

I blame Tom Brady for pretty much everything. Just on principle.

I think I would watch a movie-length version of that fight in the kitchen. I'm in stitches just thinking about it.

Watch out for Meloni's character. He learned a few tricks back in the 'Nam. When he was in Switch Ops.

Fist and Shout!