
Time to patent my Buzzcockring!

You're destroying my middle-aged stoned viewings of the late movie on basic cable!

I predict that the internet will react calmly and reasonably to this news.

Ok, what is it about comics fans and the racial "canon"?

"We want to see Mike Colter punch a snake."

All the cute cartoon animals really help sell the "inhumanity of slavery" lesson.

“Apologies to people who were offended by us using game mechanics to underline the point of how inhumane slavery was.”

If it's still 95° in December, at least the cinema will be air-conditioned.

Future Got Back

Rebooting Jaws?

Ooohh…so you were into the whole Tulip Bubble thing. Yeah, my little sister liked that.

So…he wants to “embrace the high-end and custom-made aspects of boutiques while upending the capitalist and elitist drive behind them" while making a tidy profit.

I would absolutely watch the Oscars if it were a version of Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities. Do They Know Things? What Do They Know? Let's Find Out!

This time, James Franco will play both the part of James Franco AND the part of Anne Hathaway!

A show about lawyers who take "easy, pedestrian" cases? I'd watch that.

I feel heartbroken. For Hynde and for all women who blame themselves.

Self-blame is one of the standard sequelae of sexual assault. And it isn't just the lack of trauma counseling—it's that the culture is geared to blame victims. We not only blame rape victims for their assault (witness the Cosby victims), we tend more broadly to hold women accountable for men's behavior (usually with

Imma let you finish, but Reagan had the most ridiculous rise from Hollywood to the White House.

The meth. It's so blue. It's like four times bluer!

A documentary about Justin Timberlake?