
And I think Werdup just invented the best new game for watching the Republican primary debates: Idiot or Sociopath?

My favorite line, I think, is Rick's initial description of Renault: "Oh, he's just like any other man, only more so."

I don’t think as highly of Marius as you do. Many of his actions weakened the Senate and paved the way for Octavian’s military dictatorship. Certainly the “reform” of granting land to soldiers was exploited by Octavian with his land confiscations around Cremona. The Republic might have fallen in any case, but I think

Someone should develop a project about the Gracchi, who were a couple of reform-minded brothers. When they started to make some progress towards economic justice, they were assassinated by the one-percenters. Topical!

Omnium Caesar in tres partes divisum est.

Meanwhile, The Edge is still working on edging.

When it comes to romantic movies, "cancer" is the new "quirky New York."

The U.S. is averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015. Maybe we just don't deserve television.

My nephew's dad started dating his (my nephew's) girlfriend's mother. The parents ended up getting married (the kids were still dating). We decided this made the kids "scuzzins."

We are not Camp Firewoood or Camp Tigerclaw. We are all…CAMP PEOPLE!

I loved Stiff Records and thought about Stiff a lot while writing songs and score for the series because I love the production on those records and that in between moment before things had kind of found their glossy-mag identities.

I wish we'd get a Newswire announcing that the movie is really titled Kong: Scull Island, and that it's about a group of giant apes who are really, obnoxiously into competitive crew.

No, I think this will be ANUSTART for him.

"For never was a story more of woe,
Than this of Juliet and her global jihad."

The evangelical series, Lefse Behind?

2 Götter 2 Dämmerung

Let's have no more questions about the Giggleship!

You are now about to witness the strength of spinoff knowledge.

"Dirty Deeds Done for a Hefty Subscription Fee" just isn't as zippy, I guess.

No. The Confederate name of the school does not date back to the 19th century. It dates back to the fight against integration in the mid 20th century.