
Well, since we can't do it at the Hilton any more, we've gotta take it where we can.

It was about the proud tradition of fighting integration and voting rights a hundred years after the civil war! Why can't we have our traditions? It's reverse racism!

Today, this school is attended by a diverse group of students who should not have to attend a school that bears the name of a man who fought to keep African Americans enslaved.

Only if you're willing to pay the Short Refractory Period surcharge. That's where they get you.

If I win on the newly launched Communithon.com, can I claim to be Master of the Domain Name?

So it's like she's not even human!

Ah, man. That's rough. It'd be so great if they could speak a human language for just five minutes so you could check in and explain medicine and cause and effect.

Starring…you guessed it:

It's time for Atari to get in on the action and give Pong fans the franchise they deserve.

Thanks for the update and what sounds like good news!

Most professions are now subject to Yelpification. I agree that it sucks. But I think a better solution than lashing out at the people who are your bread and butter is to ignore it.

“When I see a blogger—thank God I’m not on Twitter anymore, because I get into all sorts of trouble—or a critic, or a recapper say, “I’m done with your show,” if I were running that show I would call them up and say, “You are not allowed to watch my show anymore. I’m going to f–king alert everybody in your life to

The Brattle should still be safe. Marky Mark just can’t get enough of the screenings of French New Wave cinema. His film review blog offers his unique take on some of the classics:

Shit. I didn't even think of that. I bet it's being organized as we type.

Or what guns, honestly.

Great. Now I've got to get a special permit to carry concealed Milk Duds.

Typical liberal megacorporation agenda, trying to take our weapons.

Hi there,

A comedian horning in on the presidential debate?

Moffat is clearly stating that he wants a storyline that would be so artistically compelling that conservatives would like it despite their leanings