
“Keychain? What a pervert!”

Season 2 is maybe the best television I've ever seen. And Season 3 is still bringing A+ material. Watch them.

Every rumor you floated in your article, Merrick, I believe is a living possibility for this camp, and I want you to fucking hear that as a compliment.

Aw, Archmage!

-Dog suit guy from The Shining.
-Bathtub lady from The Shining.
-Twin girls from The Shining

I'm visiting family right now and it's actually giving me an excuse to avoid my brother-in-law (if it were just posted at a regular time, I couldn't justify the lying). I actually said: "I'll need to check my email a couple times today—it may be important."

While he may not be the best damn hoofer, Andy’s got…something.

He was the Drew of Tigerclaw.

"My uterus."

Are you suggesting that pogo-ing isn't useful??

“Are you ready to get unconscious and uncanny?”

Jon Hamm was great.

Camp WASP continues to be a douchey delight. Their argument about the hotness of Ayn Rand (shudder) was hilarious.

Damn, dirty shrimps. Don't even talk to me about shrimps.

That's true. There is a real undercurrent of sincerity beneath the bullshit. And honestly, who wouldn't be trying to get out from under the Coop situation? Hell, he makes me feel smothered, and I'm only a witness.

I think it makes it better!

Me either, and I am so tired of the posthumous rehabilitation of Reagan and the emphasis on what a nice guy he was, as if being “nice” made his legacy less catastrophically toxic.

My favorite was the outraged mother:

Donna is the worst. Her little "so now you're one of those people who oppose the First Amendment" speech to Coop was hilariously awful.

All the technology stuff cracked me up, then made me feel old, then cracked me up again.