
Reagan being the bad guy is awesome. And I love that they make him not only evil, but also just a jerk. Watching him beat up Judah Friedlander was a hoot.

Hey, wait. Is nobody going to talk about how weird it is that Mitch is a can of vegetables?

Shales describes Grammer “slamming his hand on the table” hard enough to jiggle a bowl of guacamole as he proclaims, “That’s it! He’s not an actor, he’s a dog!”

This just in: America's top filmmaker fishes for compliments.

The awed gasps killed me.

The newsroom was a riot. Eh, no need to cover that Grandmaster Flash guy—he's just some D.J.

The "You smell like shit"/"I feel like shit" exchange was pretty great, too.

Beth: Mitch, I think you need to turn yourself in.

I love that they’re just completely blowing up every implied premise from the movie. It's not so much a prequel as a complete gutting of the original. Genius.

The Ranis of Castamere.

A man has said.

Fans of John Maynard Keynes, meanwhile, still await news about the promised follow-up to The Theory of Probability.

Oh, dear. Oh oh, dear. I had assumed they were just jokes. Now I long for the days of yore (five minutes ago, before I checked Urban Dictionary) when I lived in a state of ignorance.

One day my log will have something to say about this.

It's about these pirates. Pirates with patches over their eyes. And shiny gold teeth! And green birds on their shoulders!


How was it?

With a haunting soundtrack by Elliot Smith.

I was on the fence about whether I'd watch the show or not, and that list (and it's perfect delivery) sold me. Hard.

"No saltwater taffying."