
Yep—I think self-pitying entitlement wreaks more havoc in this world than outright malice does.

I wish I could upvote this a million times.

BoJangles! You got served!

It's totally gross. And just because she's "legal" and came on to him doesn't make it less gross.

I have been cunning in mine overthrow,
The careful pilot of my proper woe.

And the way he rationalizes his shitty behavior.

- So, looks like audiences like their horsey cartoons dark.
- Then let’s make this mofo dark.

You can’t escape you.

Ok, this was a downer ending. But it was also a super funny episode.

I love her so much and especially love that the show was willing to look at the possibility that BoJack could pursue a relationship that wasn't destructive with a woman who had her shit together.

Those kids sound plucky!

Saving us all from a Marshall-esque reboot of Casablanca where:

Sounds about right!
And there used to be a Church of Scientology just a block or so away, if memory serves.

Yes—for someone who's been in a coma for 30 years, she's maybe the only character who is not in a state of arrested development. Her irritation with Diane is completely legit and has, as you say, nothing to do with jealousy and everything to do with care for BoJack and for her own well-being. It's painful to see

I love that the satire on the arts isn’t limited to Hollywoo television and movies. Because there's so much else that's mock-worthy!

That dinner scene was a hoot, from BoJack's misunderstanding of what coq au vin is ("is that when a French girl takes a bowl of soup…?") to Garry Marshall just being an absolute riot.

Wanda continues to be utterly delightful (which just makes the episode sadder):

Well said. With Jenner, I sort of rationalize that any step forward is a step forward and try to blink at the ickiness of the clan and of her politics.

Yeah, this episode was a bonanza of great minor characters. Alan was hilarious: "I can't die—I'm endangered!"

Which just goes to show that with the right attitude, every single one of your dreams will always come true. And if your dreams don't come true, it's probably because you just didn't have the right attitude.