
And what seems really devastating is that, as you note, his scheme to break into the Nixon library really is well intentioned. But it's like the muffin kerfuffle with Navy Seal Neil McBeal: Bojack was clearly right about the dibs and about the troops, but he just can't bring himself to be politic—he has to be right.

Welcome back, character actor Margo Martindale! Slightly sociopathic character actor Margo Martindale!

When an actor is told to "channel [their] inner actor," have we finally reached peak meta?

So funny.

Enter the Fist 2: Fisting the Night Away

I applaud Sean Penn for continuing to draw attention to matters of exploitation and inequality. Well done, Sir.

Salinger's open contempt for the green ink in his four-color pen made me laugh as hard as anything.

The lazy thing only played one part, though. Slacker!

"Grittier than the original"?

BoJack Horseman presents…Everyone is an Asshole:


Oh, you SJW types, always manufacturing outrage about equality in representation.

As long as they don't starting randomly testing e-commentators. I need those greenies for speed and accuracy.

Another tasteful memorial!

The Curse of Downers Grove sounds like a title from some gritty Hardy Boys reboot.

Agreed. It's way easier to imagine sexism as something the "bad guys" do, instead of something we all (men and women) need to be wary of perpetuating.

Now I wish I hadn't blown my celebrity memorabilia budget on those fake Hitler diaries.


Bibi don't surf.

Although I think a lot of the initial blowback he got for it was pretty implicitly racist. Lots and lots of people were writing things like "He should be more grateful to Cosby."