
Thanks, Toker. I think I fixed it.

Me, too.
I'm not kidding when I say that these are straight-up Neo-Nazi sites. This isn't Duggar/Trump style racism and homophobia (which is dangerous and repellent enough), but an open call to violence. And Disqus fucking reprimanded me for just trying to initiate a discussion of it.

My Pop Culture Weekend with Disqus (and a call to arms?)

Where's the Seinfeld Quote Generator when you need it?

"Di-isneyland." And the banner at the party: "Oh, no, they Disn’nt."

Her little pause before "I hope" was perfection.

There's a new Joe Dirt movie? With Dennis Miller?!

It's like she gets off on being withholding!

George Takei! Those motivational tapes were hilarious.

I like that the show is keeping the dark tone set at the end of last season. That opening scene, with little BoJack watching Secretariat while his parents fight was legitimately agonizing. And funny. Mama BoJack’s parenting takes the cake.

Oh, just say "uppity" already. We can tell you want to.

I would argue that in many cases this sympathy is a kind of release valve, the release providing its own aesthetic pleasure out of the objectified monster (cf the longstanding ethical objections to pity).

In the rare cases where it's not the fault of the victim, that is.

Seriously. The Quiverfull (ick) movement is aggressively homophobic and misogynistic and at least implicitly white supremacist (often explicitly so). They're a hate group. They don't need to be mainstreamed, for Pete's sake.


I think there’s a long history of horror generated by fear of the monsters we’ve created. Sometimes this creation is at a personal level, as with Frankenstein or, in a slightly different fashion, with Rosemary’s Baby. But even more chilling are the problems we’ve created as a society that we are not equipped to deal

<irony>If women don't want to get paid less for equal work, why do they even get jobs?</irony>

Word. Having negotiated salary/benefits just leads to greater disparity and to underpaid women being blamed for the inequitable treatment.

Women are routinely punished or fired for negotiating. Men who negotiate look more valuable (their demands are taken as a sign of their worth). Women who negotiate look like bitches (their demands are taken as a sign that they're "difficult" or "ungrateful"). This is well-established.

If women don't want to get paid less for equal work, why do they even get jobs?