
Wow. What a whiny dick.

Genocide: "It is like being screamed at by thousands of people."

That's. ..unsettling.

"Sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes a cyborg."

A "crime-fighting helmet" is an oddly specific piece of head gear.

Gran Lupino.

Wait, the Democrats are buying votes? Those jerks owe me a quarter-century's worth of back pay!

Miss USA 2015 (Reelz, 8 p.m.)

Even sadder: I'm old and still like dick jokes.

Do you giggle about Baller Hardware? Are you ever tempted to ask the sales staff what hardware they recommend to make you more baller?

Apropos of nothing, really, there's a hardware store in my neighborhood called "Baller Hardware." I giggle every time I go past it.

And it seems as if it's always the most aggressively pro-free-market types who get outraged when people use the market to boycott offensive speech.

The crybaby chorus of "the left is pro-censorship" that strikes up every time someone exercises their free speech to condemn racism is almost as galling as the race-baiting ignorance.

Look at you, getting off on being withholding.

Late-career Frank Miller + "Master Race" = Unnerving

Delusion? We should be so lucky.

I'm still gonna up my heroin usage, just to be on the safe side.

Time has no meaning in the Black Lodge.

He closes the interview about fake penises with "Knock on wood"?

With just a Touch of Green.