
Novelist DeLonge…of Nonsense.

Get this guy on "11 Questions":

The Food Network hasn't snapped it up?

Since some unironic version of this is bound to pop up in about 5 minutes, I propose we lean into the inevitable with…a Troll Pool:

Cosby’s lawyers have fought the AP’s court actions on the grounds that the release would embarrass their client.

This whole lady Ghostbusters affair has been such a rollercoaster of emotions, what with the all-ladies reboot, and then the no-ladies reboot, and now the some-ladies reboot.

Great Job, Haircut!

But no apology to all the little boys whose self-esteem you have just irreparably damaged? No apology to the boys who may now believe that they'll never grow up to play professional women's soccer??

How do you feel about violins on television?

The final fight with Kingpin was pretty great, too, with D'Onofrio just using his body as a battering ram against Daredevil's flippy moves. It was legitimately tense.

Daredevil's credits sequence is right up there.

Victor Garber couldn't be bothered.

Well played.

But the open racism/misogyny is met with cheers. And it lets the crypto-hate pass unnoticed.

What's sad is that this move from dog-whistle racism back to old-fashioned Klan-style racism doesn't seem to hurt him with the Republican base. I keep hoping that all the open racism and misogyny and homophobia will open people's eyes to how icky these guys are, but nope. Abortions for none and tiny Confederate flags

A fellow commenter here once wrote me a long reply to some inane comment I'd written, cautioning me not to become "corrupted" by the "hard-won upvotes and sense of personal validation" they confer. S/he wrote that my "sensitive nature" (?!) was imperiled by the culture of upvoting.

My favorite item on the Upsetting Experience list:

It'll always be the Kabletown Tower to me.

Man, these people are really working overtime with the "aw, shucks, I'm not a racist, I'm just an idiot" schtick.