
I, for one, welcome our new zoo animal overlords.

I was kidding around, but I'll go ahead and lean into the pedantry.

"Meet the Queen, Indominus Rex"???

The Mexican Rapist Mafia claims another victim, as American hero is punished for telling hard truths.

He did wonders with the Doom Patrol. Before him, they were the Major Depressive Disorder Patrol.

Tell me, do you kvetch?

It's frankly sickening, from a logical as well as moral standpoint.

I just got a text from my brother, who's in the throes of wedding planning (in a state where same-sex marriage was already legal). Most of his texts lately are just pictures of cake or suits.

A couple weeks ago, a clue for "Bryn Mawr" was that the university "seems to frown upon the excessive use of vowels." And now the lynx “would like to buy a vowel”?

It's something of a myth that Latino voters are socially conservative. Latino Catholics support same-sex marriage, for instance, at rates at or above the national average and at a higher rate than other U.S. Catholics. Overall, support for same-sex marriage among Latino voters is just two points (within the margin of

Ironically, Trump and his ilk have already solved the border "problem" (which has never been an actual problem, just a political opportunity). The U.S. economy is in the shitter and opportunities for working-class and middle-class people are nil. Immigration from Central America is way down and will likely to continue

I'd like to applaud Mr. Trump for moving the Republican party past the era of dog-whistle racism. And back to the era of good, old-fashioned Klan-style racism.

Please, everybody: NO JOKES.

Wow. I totally missed that—I read the proposal as Lorna just trying to stop him from breaking up with her. But I think you're completely right. That makes it all so much darker and more interesting.

As for the guards, I think the real endangerment is MCC's fault.

Hey, no one said Time Humping was a safe endeavor.

Right? It was just a cute wedding and a brief bang against the vending machine. Aw…
And it seems like there's a good story to tell (that could still be sympathetic to the undeniably adorable Morello) about how we use incarceration as a substitute for mental health care, especially for low-income people.

Time Hump Chronicles 2.0: The Fan-Fictioning

I'm with you on everything but Morello.

I’ve rather remarkably made it through this season with dry eyes until…Cindy’s conversion scene.