
This was a surprisingly joyful episode. That scene at the end had me grinning like an idiot.

Caputo: But I have access to budgets now. And all that noise about the whole shebang coming crashing down if MCC starts covering benefits, it is 100% true.

Great link. All the upvotes.

Good point.
Here's a quote from the comments section of the "Where's My Dreidel At" review:

They mostly object to the compulsive rhyming.
Your friends are lucky to have someone patient like you.

That's two days in a row you've made my day. My days thank you.

You know, that's an excellent question. I actually hadn't thought through why I thought this before you asked, so forgive me if my response is circuitous and personal anecdote-y.

And how sad is it that that kid's best shot was with Mrs. Pornstache? Sheesh.

And not just rape, but all kinds of violence and bigotry.

I'm a little ticked off that we've got not one, but two guard flashbacks this season (at the expense of all the black women), but if they're going to do guard flashbacks, BRING ON O'NEILL. It could just be him and his ukulele and it's be ok by me.

Like Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, I found myself going multiple stages of grief (but mostly in the “good, grief” sense) with Daya’s baby storyline.

I'm am so very glad they didn't go through with it, though. For a number of reasons, but in part because it shows so much about Doggett's character.

Doggett. Sophia. Soso. This show is so good at making me sad.

Yeah—she's also a myth/urban legend. She kills her kids in order to get with a man and then drowns herself and her ghost wanders around weeping. I don't know how widespread it is, but she's a pretty common boogie(wo)man where I am.

La Llorona!

That's brilliant. I totally didn't see that, but that reading not only makes sense of Alex this episode but also justifies bringing her back.

Maybe part of it is that she feels more comfortable this season? Last season, she was dealing with being set up by Alex and with her break-up with Larry, and her vulnerability may have forced her to see stuff from a different perspective.

And the tiny little bit she got last season seems to have evaporated.

Good call. I totally forgot about that.

If Alex is likeable, it probably is out of character.
It certainly seemed out of character for her to give a shit about anyone other than herself. But she does understand people, like most good manipulators, and she grew up poor so I can see that she'd get where Flaca was coming from, even if she didn't care. I think