
There is NOTHING about the Time Hump Chronicles plot that fails to be awesome. There is nothing about Bell that fails to be awesome. Genius move pairing them up, show!

But how can they take him down? Who will listen to them or believe them? Poor Doggett had to be convinced that what was done to her was wrong—will a third party believe her? Caputo's already shown his willingness to turn a blind eye. I feel hopeless.

Yeah—that was a weird and icky surprise.

Remember yesterday, when we thought we couldn't hate Piper any more than we did? Good times.

Agreed on all counts!
Those scenes between Doggett and Boo were so so sad. Good for the show for showing one of the reasons so many rapes go unreported: the victims convince themselves they weren’t raped. Those scenes were so hard to watch—for me, they were much harder to watch than the rape.

Okay, I'm still devastated from yesterday’s episode, and now the guards confiscate Suzanne’s manuscript? There’s only one avenue of solace available: Time Hump Chronicles 2: The Fan Fictioning.

That's quite a good point. I should rather have said "sensationalize" or something along those lines. The rapes on GoT seem to me, if not eroticized, designed to titillate.

I wanted so much for Suzanne to open that door. Like, I'm not sure that I've ever wanted anything for a fictional character as much as I wanted for Suzanne to get some broom-closet sex.

Look, she was offering hella commissary for the Jew 411, she had to know what she was getting.

It's hard to think of anything about this episode other than the end, but the scene with Gloria, Aleida, and Sophia in the bathroom was another gut punch:

Pornstache's list of star-crossed lovers: Romeo and Juliet, Lolita and the old guy, Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon. His mother quietly pointing out that none of these couples end up together was the perfect capper.

I, too, thought of Game of Thrones and fan reactions to the Sansa storyline (in light of what the show did with both Dany and Cersei). After the reaction against the rape-is-the-default-storyline-for-women on Game of Thrones, I read a lot of people on this site opining something along the lines of: “Oh, you feminists

Fetch with your mouth this time.

Ok, that conversation about living on a diet of Rodcocker's spooge was brilliant for its transition: just as they're talking about this particular form of dietary restriction, in comes the corporate rabbi to interrogate the prisoners about their knowledge of dietary restrictions. Genius!

Mendoza is the stealth MVP of this season, I think. That actress just quietly kills it in every scene she's in. A few episodes ago, she went from the heartbreaking scene with her son to the sweet (and still heartbreaking) smoke break with Daya. And here, when Aleida has to prove for the millionth time that she is THE

This show, for me, is increasingly becoming BCitNB (Black Cindy is the New Black). Her conversation with the rabbi was priceless. I love that Alvy Singer, along with his shellfish (!), is her model for observant Judaism:

I completely agree. I was just (lamely) trying to set up the joke of becoming the irrational and importunate fan who starts making demands after a pompous and mock-serious statement of solidarity with the beleaguered writers.

Morley cigarettes.

The man so black he's navy.

Seems like he could, um, facilitate things. Particularly if there are any, shall we say, anatomical incompatibilities between the humans and the aliens. Vaseline Guy may be just what's needed to, er, grease the wheels, romantically speaking.