
And the only person known to have successfully gotten out of a Columbia House contract? Sterling Archer.

Whoops—sorry, Wolfman, I was editing this as you wrote because I thought the joke was weak. I wouldn't have edited if I knew there was a response.

But does Netflix come with a cross-platform promotion like Shudder's social-networking app, Shuddr, which uses GPS to identify nearby fellow axe-wielding maniacs?

I can't wait for the follow-up series, Grandpas Underneath Flowers.

It's almost too good to be true!

I got a "Mature But Playful" notification for this?

I really do have a Star Wars shooting script. But you wouldn't know it. It goes to a different school. In Canada.

They were all 1/16 Cherokee.

She should call Adam Sandler straightaway. That guy gets it.

I predict that the internet will respond with calm, reasoned discussions of aspect ratios.

Well put. That's a more generous interpretation and there are, certainly, people who can't tell the difference between a joke's subject and it's target.


Seinfeld went on to describe this sort of political climate as a detriment to comedy and praise Louis CK for “not worry[ing]” about political correctness.

Jerry Seinfeld also thinks everyone in New York is white, so I'm going to take this with a grain of salt.

You mad, Boll?

The, Spoiler, the.

FILED UNDER: Dave Matthews Band, human waste

The full Windsor?

Several years ago, a buddy of mine started a Facebook group devoted to getting scrubs banned on the subway. I almost got a FB account just to join.

"It's just like the Holocaust," says criminally tone-deaf Duggar offspring.