
The A.V. Club

I guess I forgot to set the comment in the irony font.

"Did you know you can totally make clothes out of hemp? The fashion industry's lobbyists are behind the criminalization of marijuana in order to maximize profits for cotton."

It was a weird, hard episode to do in the first place and one of the best.

Hand-knit chastity merkins!

They're just trying to keep their (genetic) quiver full.

What a Wonderful Episode This Will Be!

Jason Statham on Marvel: "my grandma could do that."

It's a shame they couldn't find any attractive people to cast.

You may enjoy its often underrated poetry:

They had me at "vapid."

In Lifetime’s newest reality show, four women who believe that God has granted them the power to perform miracles are exploited by a reality show-hungry public and/or exploit said public in order to get a TV deal.

But he’s also rude—to the point of cruelty, even. For all his attitude, Tessa should hate Hardin.

I predict great discomfort. ..south of the border.

Well, sure, for those fancy meth heads that are too good for sucking on a 40oz on the curb in front of Taco Bell.

- Hey, let's go get a drink.

"Talk about your sexual violence."

If you're down for making a porno with John Gielgud and Malcolm McDowell, man, you're down for anything.

And I thought it was especially a shame, given the convincing way in which spousal rape was previously handled. Cersei telling Ned about life with drunken, loutish Robert was really moving. When he staggered into her room, she didn't have the option to say no.

And this is so obviously punting. He seems to be saying that the only narrative choices are between showing "an egalitarian society," showing a "sanitized" version of quasi-medieval society, or falling back on a clumsily handled rape as a primary storyline for female characters.