
Oprah Winfrey was there
The Day the Mirth Stood Still

I'm waiting for the Frey Cinematic Universe's Space Punners series, containing such new classics as:

Bitchin' electric Camaro!
Eco-friendly donuts on your lawn!

Cue John Locke: Don't tell me what I can't judge.

That is a VERY specific personal ad.

That is not a good kick.

I couldn't read past: "a person who stuck the decapitated head of a snake up their urethra."

Looks like the time has finally come to get My "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" stationary store off the ground.

The twist?

Just putting out reissues?

I can't wait for TLC's new reality series with him and his new fiancee: Manson Family Values.

"The feel-good movie of the summer!"

And the result of the "therapy":

WalMart pulled their advertising? Man, when WalMart has the moral high ground…

Fair enough. But we don't all have to go full-on. Just cutting down on meat and dairy would make a huge difference. And we ship a ton of our water overseas to feed other countries' cows (the fight against globalization is a fool's errand, but I still gotta try). The U.N. recommended veganism five years ago with almost

We all know their song is YVAN EHT NIOJ.

And yet no push for veganism. An actual, real solution to drought, but no California politician will tell us to cut out meat.

I didn't like Fearless, but it's a fair point. But his "one for them" output is so weak compared to his early stuff. I did like The Truman Show, though.

I'd add Stephen Frears to the list. His early stuff, Like My Beautiful Laundrette is genuinely unique, but he gets a little award-baity. Not bad, just…too polished at the expense of vision.

Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?