
"Awards are stupid."

You know, I threw in every patronizing gross hateful hurtful non-sensical MRA tic I could think of, but those dickweeds are just beyond parody, I guess.

The optimist in me hoped it would immediately suggest my satiric intent. Sometimes I'm a Poe's-law-forgetting fool.

Look, a lot of you SJW types are getting all worked up about this whole Sansa rape storyline, but you just aren’t looking at rape from the male perspective (as with birth control and abortion, you feminazis and your pathetic beta-male acolytes continually suppress the male perspective on rape). Allow me to break it

A gay actor playing Sherlock Holmes? But what about the integrity of the canon??!?

My real name is Rollie Fingers. Not a day goes by that I don't curse my parents.

I think context matters a great deal. Casting a white actor in a traditionally non-white role is different from casting a non-white actor in a traditionally white role. Comics already over-represent white men and making a change that further limits diversity is injurious.

"I'm not pro-slavery, I just support states' rights. "

"This is the world we live in. It's okay to like it."

That's a good thought, thanks. I feel a bit dim that it didn't occur to me. Electronic Bay!

That's an oddly touching story.

It can be two Cons?

This show!

Well, it's no "My mother is a fish."

I believe the Family Research Council's official position is that as long as it was heterosexual molestation, it's just a "mistake." Not like consensual adult relationships, which are sinful. These assholes.

I just want to say that I never watch Jeopardy!, but I've found myself increasingly popping in to WoT just to read these recaps. They're great. Thank you.

"A way a lone a last a loved a long the"

Ugh. That's the worst kind of gaslighting. I'm sorry, F.G.

Oh, probably. It just is so dumb.

DUI is no laughing matter.