
I don't think you're thinking of Guybrush, but to answer your real question:

I like how he refers to his admitted sexual assaults as "mistakes." It's almost as if he were raised in a culture of male sexual entitlement (those Duggars are creee.peee).

I await Russell Crowe's pronouncement about how 37 year-old actresses bring this on themselves.

Agreed. I want musicians to get paid and I won't use Spotify. But Jack White and people such as (it pains me to say it) Dean Wareham miss a couple crucial points:

Musicians want you to hear their music on "very nice speakers" and are offended by your inadequate components?


It's amazing. Especially if you're addicted to puns.

In May, I'm reading Hardy Boys mysteries and vintage Hustler.

And so much truth telling:

I think I speak for my whole generation when I say:

And still…not as egregious as some of the MacArthur awards. And those people really should know what words mean.

A Louis XIII cognac award for genius?

Nude Pope…coming in 2016.

Just what did he mean when he promised Ambrose Philips he'd "kiss the rod"?

Marky Mark for anti-Pope.

Well, he told an old carnival fortune-telling machine that he wanted to be big…

Everything about this sounds HILARIOUS, from the name to the compassionate conservatism to Jude Law being Pope (hide the babysitters!).

I echo the feeling of disappointment. I'm going to watch anyway, as I'm a sucker for even a mediocre sports biopic, but this seems like such a wasted opportunity.

That was a feeble attempt at humor, trying to play off Soloway's speech and her hashtag. The "heh" was meant to reinforce that I was being ironic. I am sorry. I think my irony chip may be misfiring.

thank you. It feels a little douche-y to upvote someone for saying something nice about one's own self, but I'm doing so because I appreciate it.