
Thanks. I'll look into it. I'm feeling a little stuck, but that's a good suggestion.

I think mostly unconscious bias, but one guy who was responsible for a lot of it was a pretty open misogynist. He'd had harassment complaints against him, including from one woman who, after she complained, had her office vandalized. Pattern?

Heracles, too. There's a tradition of feminizing the most hypermasculine heroes in Greek culture.

I analyzed the data by various qualitative (how desirable/rewarding the work was; these are desirable by common consensus, but also identified as such in a white paper on staffing issued by a major professional organization) and quantitative metrics. These workload measures are all covered in the aforementioned white

I'd go with the Iliad. Achilles fighting the river. That's some full-on aristeia action.

Yes, yes. I was recently forced out of my job and blackballed in my profession for pointing out that 90% of the plum, sinecure work assignments went to men and only 2% to women of color. The most junior white men got 15x, that's 1500%, more than senior women of color. I did the math and pointed out that if we began

That piece of misandrist garbage?

I agree. It's one of the things I like about his stuff: family is who you choose (the end of the Buffy episode "Family" captures this well, I think).

Joss Whedon hates fathers.

And so obviously superfluous. He's going to "give us a side of Tyler Durden we haven't seen before"? I think Durden already covered that:

Not cromulent. Not cromulent at all.

I trust that Ms. Hathaway will remain far from Mr. De Niro's lawn.

And let's not concede that poverty is typically the result of poor choices. Generational poverty is a complex and dispiriting phenomenon in which institutional barriers play a much greater role than personal choice.

@yardbystep is just reminding us of the old mnemonic from anatomy class:

- Did you know that John Elway was arrested the same day as O.J. Simpson?


Just part of the feminist conspiracy to make heterosexual men feel inadequate. The conspiracy is so deep, it's infected the medical community. I mean, "clitoris"? That has to be fake.

Which only raises the question: why do women get all the special products? Where's my manpon?

Mad Max is "nothing more than feminist propaganda"?

An actual, possibly villainous answer to the supervillain question!