Dead or Alive has a very good fighting game hidden behind its slutty dress-up simulation game.
Dead or Alive has a very good fighting game hidden behind its slutty dress-up simulation game.
It’ll cost you $90 and whatever dignity you still have left after a couple of years of barfing the phrase “social justice” all over the Internet.
Come on... no one is this pathetic.
Advice on Witcher 3: Take it all in at whatever pace feels comfortable to you. Take your time if you can. It’s much more like a grand, sprawling novel than any open world game I’ve ever played.
I wish I had this feature for subtlety telling my wife that she doesn’t fit into that dress anymore.
I don’t want to go around calling women sluts, (I like sluts they tend to sleep with me) but I will say I have a feeling Ivanka hasn’t seen too many cocks she didn’t enjoy.
I’m not asking the snake nicely to let me look at its anal plate before determining if I should freak out about seeing it on my car.
Well, might as well leave this here:
I’d for sure let her polish my spear.
Don’t blame me, I’m voting Meteor.
1st. They just couldn’t bring themselves to make a car with windows.
Damn, in 100 years white girls STILL have no ass?
He turned me into a newt!
Nope, I just silently judge those who ride them.
Nope, I just silently judge those who ride them.
I mean, it could almost be that I’m a big fan of the show and think it’s disappointing that, of all the possible genres and platforms they could have opted for, they chose this.
Does anybody still remember NFS5: Porsche Unleashed? Most of what I know about Porsches comes from that game.
In Poland, where this game was made, discussion and representations of sexual acts or human bodies are much more socially accepted than in the US.
I wish every team black listed him from all racing. Whining bitch gave up the team boss and technical director for immunity.
After he was dropped from the team for being useless, he suddenly has a crisis of faith and admits to his wrong-doing to the FiA in exchange for no personal penalty? Fuck this guy and his douche…
Piquet Jr. The moral highwater mark of motorsport.
I've thought of this very often, and I think dogs are much better drivers than cats.