I like what Monster Hunter is doing but most weapons are designed slow and bulky. Why have japanese such a fascination with oversized swords and spears.
Well... serves him right.
Long D* underwear. Oh my.
This certainly makes me respect the developers of Anthem even more. The release and the initial(and imo overblown antagonistic) reception must have been crushing for them. I’m not sure why nobody stood up, though. Seeking an empty room and just crying? Game development might be “the dream” for some people but is…
It should have an Akira(Tetsuo/Kaneda) cameo.
You can backup the save game file while playing if you want to go for some save-scumming.
Way back my mom bought me this instead of the Shadowrun SNES game. I loved it regardless.
Is this a new game or is this just a definitive version like P4: The Golden?
Well, as far as I am aware old Japanese are rather xenophobic so I’m not really surprised by this blanket statement from Mr. Miyazaki. I smell ignorance and a whiff of an ingrained cultural superiority complex. I see Hollywood critically, too, but I’d not take the average Hollywood flick as a measure for all American…
Certainly one of the best Star Wars games and one of the favorite games of my childhood.
If you need to give people incentives to be nice and playful it probably isn’t worth it in the first place.
They turned down the graphics because it would have melted PC’s and consoles otherwise? Even in the current state it looks great and, obviously, is pretty demanding at the highest settings. If it would look like the trailers it would make short work even off the best hardware currently available. Maybe prudence let…
The character stories can have different outcomes depending on your choices, nothing which impacts the game as is but just the specific narrative.
Nah, it gives the whole thing a bit of atmosphere, it’s a tad small but better than nothing.
I think the 2 vendors might be the remnant of a more single-player focused Anthem which might had been planned at one point in time. One thing I regretted when playing Anthem was that none of the characters I’ve met in Fort Tarsis would ever serve as a companion “mass-effect” style and would never accompany me on my…
It should only get better with time, doesn’t matter if you wait a few months or a year. You’ll, presumably, just have a more polished experience with more content than launch users. And the game looks so good I doubt it will look old a year from now.
You can’t lose progress if it’s stored server-side.
But if it happens to 1 person in a million is your fear reasonable? The lifetime odds of dieing in a car crash are 0,002%, which is likely higher than bricking your PS4 with Anthem. Will you stop driving cars/busses tomorrow(not that it helps much, the likelihood of dieing in a car crash as a pedestrian is almost the…
The thing is, if something like this happens to you, you usually search the internet if someone had a similar problem and your query will most likely bring you to a popular site like reddit or you go on the game forum and look there. The reddit has around 501 comments, the EA thread 52(counting posts by the same user…