Not sure why you should be a sheep even though you know you won’t like it? You just want to get it because everybody else is playing it? Use these gift cards for something sensible.
Not sure why you should be a sheep even though you know you won’t like it? You just want to get it because everybody else is playing it? Use these gift cards for something sensible.
I’d love to see an article about “Zeldas” from you. Not enough of them out there and I’m curious about your opinion and favorites.
No, all he is saying that he has no talent. He didn’t say a single word about black people. There’s alot of great white rappers(Vinnie Paz, Celph Titled, Apathy) and he’s not one of them. He just a spoilt child following a trend.
Overall i was very disappointed with Numenera. The heavy amount of exposition couldn’t hide that actually not much was happening and while some of tidbits you got were interesting the story never got into swing. They wanted to develop a similar narrative to Planescapes, were you slowly uncover your real nature but the…
Hmm, I think I got an idea how to redecorate my gaming room.
I’m sure the guy spent all the money on private leisure and secretly thinks “fuck off, fans”.
He probably only made a fraction of his investements into the game back. Not particularly surprising that he has nothing to say to that.
Starbreeze’s Syndicate was a good game with a nice online coop-mode. It’s a pity that the IP impacted the game’s reception negatively in the end.
The game never stuttered when I played it on my Vita. (I got the old OLED model.)
I think the publisher, i.e. EA, is treated right in this controversy but it’s a little sad that the hard-working devs behind the game don’t get any recognition for a splendid piece of a Star Wars game.
I got 3.5, 4th Edition at home. Should I get 5th and why should I get it?
An almost thoughtful game about BDSM? Not a cheap cash-in but still in the erotic genre? I’d almost buy this just to support the devs but yeah. Almost. It seems to be a laudable approach.
I only have a PC and it’s been ages since I bought a physical release. My gaming room is more of a multi-purpose nerd room. My books takes most of the space, including a little Tolkien collection and an assortement of RPG and Artbooks of diverse genres. The only thing which screams “gamer”is my PC and my Yoshitaka…
Most people in this video don’t even defend themselves or are dead so fast they couldn’t have reacted anyway.
wtf is wrong with this world.
Geez, I wish I had an professional Overwatch playing gf.
So it’s just a couple of months and you have to pay for an expansion already? I’m pretty sure the stuff was cut during the main development and held back to sell it later.
Well that’s a car I’d get if I had the money for it.
This? was on Gamecube? Sounds pretty awesome, it seems I missed a real gem here.
German Amazon. Curiously the preorders there are already open while it’s not available in the UK storefront.