
I love the renditions of all the characters in this screencap but this... is not chewbacca.

The game is actually quite enjoyable. Never played it online but it’s a fun brawler all in all. Controls are dumbed down and it’s repetitive in long sessions but it’s really nice for a quick sessions in between.

Well, the robot is programmed for this one task. And precision cutting is hardly anything new.

Yes I also quitted jobs I hate, so I don’t start hating my life. I’m feeling splendid right now.

Is that for real? Someone made that gun? Looks incredibly sick. A+

Looks nice. I hope the Vita version sees a release over here.

But... ET2 would probably look exactly like that, as the same team is doing it. I think Brink was basically ET2.

I can’t shake of the feeling that I know that engine but I can’t really say which I have in mind.

Man I’m so excited... what could they possibly reveal? The Mysteries... My Pony Online? Horse Armor DLC for Skyrim? The possibilities!

That’s pathetic.

Considering their previous work: No.

Fuck yeah, I’m kinda considering now to import it just for the box art... Let me check Play Asia.

Eh, japanese girls don’t look that bad if tanned. I’d love to drink a coffee there.. but I expect most of them have a hard time putting together an english sentence(as seen in the ads).

Geez I could watch the Gif over and over again. This is awesome!

“We want to state that we have a confidentiality clause in the agreement signed with Unruly Attractions,” said Bulkypix COO and co-founder Vincent Dondaine. “Unruly Attractions has decided to disclose certain confidential information. At this point, we can only tell you that we have very different points of view.”

Modern Warfare 2 deserves no credit because: It was the first CoD which didn’t allow for user mods and user hosted servers, it introduced the matchmaking through IWNet. All in all it did a disservice for all coming big FPS’s and broke it’s own eSports scene. That’s also the reason why MW1 was the last CoD I ever

With WoW being 11 years old, they had plenty of time to expand the development team but, hey don’t get worked over nothing. We both know jack shit about what’s going on at Blizzard.

Yeah I got that.

“Surely you’ve noticed that Geralt looks like the leading dude of a trashy romance novel, yeah? I can’t be the only one that pauses at Geralt’s obsession with slathering oil on stuff, right?”

Class-specific content can add flavour to a class. It allows to delve deeper into the lore of a class and flesh out their place in the world. Nowadays it’s click-click-click instant access, we are all the same. Working for something is underrated I guess.(“We are the Borg. Your biological and technological