Pissed? Eh? Come on, lighten up, it was a cool stunt. I liked it.
Pissed? Eh? Come on, lighten up, it was a cool stunt. I liked it.
The voice of actual players, might be correct, but the records are staged. Anyone really believes that some of the cuts are actually from a live VoiP communication?
Yes, yes, we're all suffering from Kickstarter malaise, and these days crowdfunded projects seem ripe for disappointment, but this is pretty much a dream game for anyone who played PC games in the 80s and 90s, back when many of us fell in love with the likes of Maniac Mansion, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis,…
Tbh, I kinda dislike the "free-flowing" Navigation in Assassins Creed nowadays, as the developer basically prepare a second "off-path" path, and even if it is fluid and fast, it's basically just holding down a button and turning your analogue stick in the right direction. But braving territory which is clearly *not*…
I wanted this game to be bad because I have so much left in my backlog... damn, I'll just quit my job, yeah?
Mechs? I love those Path of Miranda pics. *_*
Well, Valve has to pay the taxes, too.
The last game I did a 100% run was Baldur's Gate. That was over 10 years ago...
When it comes to open world games, I'm not the kind of player who tries to reach one hundred percent completion. But I recently booted up Shadow of Mordor again and discovered something shameful. I'd played 38 hours and hadn't even cracked 40 percent. That was simply unacceptable. So it was back to Mordor for me.
Beth Hodgson as a Naga from World of Warcraft
I don't know.. he should sent the pics and an overview of the game with all needed assets to one of the bigger board game publishers and see how it turns out.
PC because controls.
So the comparisons show us: atm it doesn't matter a single bit what you're playing current gen AAA titles with.
Wow! Alot of original characters/classes(even if it's a bit much for a team-based shooter). I love the direction they are taking with this! I'll keep my eye on it!
Same for me. I want Star Citizen to be good, really, but many people seem to lose any logic and reason when talking about it. Negativity, even in the slightest form are a cause for useless debate. I really was into the old Space Sims and would look forward to a reimagined modern version. Atm, Star Citizen gets bloated…
Mr. Fahey it's dangerous to speak about Star Citizen and not praising it. It's the messiah of space games.. no of video games. As you can see out of the dark corners of the internet the devout Star Citizens are at your throat should your opinion differ. Be the Roberts be praised and glorified, behold the golden halo…
Fellow Masterrace Member(me) approves of this.
Is it just me or does it remind anyone else of Milla Jovovich(5th Element)?