
Whoever wrote that isn't 12. Viral marketing?

That's why brought up the experience part. He worked on Avatar and Lord of the Rings. With the right funding, team and equipment I'm sure he can make something presentable.

Short attention span is short.

He sounds incredibly passionate about what he is trying to do and he has lots of experience. I think that's the most important things to look at when backing projects.

So: True from a pedagogical point of view, wrong from a mathematical point of view.

(x/2)*10=x*5=(x*10)/2 | divide by 5

This half-hearted Pi-Approximation really made me spit out.

How does the current Indiemarket help in any way with that? What I see mostly is "another roguelike" "another 'imsodifferent' platformer" etc..

Now that's a game I really would *love* to see a remake from.

The original Dota was a mod for Warcraft 3 so you are not completely of the mark but:

I'm really curious how Mr. Faheys miniature/toy rack looks nowadays. Can you honor us with a pic?

Which Enb are you using?

Now playing

Silent Hill 3 Intro Sequence. The amusement park scared the shit out of me and the transition to the "Alternate Reality" was deftly done. I knew this will be a great game.

Well the games are great, but that doesn't count for the respective intro sequences.

That's obviously the Space Marine Bacon Storage

I think that's incredibly funny and I do hope he suceeds with his lawsuit.

I should finish Divinity: Original Sin before this is released....


I doubt Sony could make anything which looks that good.

That said, if you like playing Wolfenstein at 120hz, more power to you and your PC. I only brought up framerates just now because for some reason that's everyone's favorite topic, but it doesn't seem like this is the sort of weekend where it's going to come up much. I just had to make sure we'd be able to mark it off