
I'm really asking myself why THIS isn't in the list. Almost as iconic as Aeris theme, I'd say.

Lol Drg....

You know that Geralt and Triss are only having an affair and that his real love is the witch Yennefer? We will quite likely see her in the third part of the witcher as she was presumably taken by the Wild hunt(or maybe held captive in Nilfgaard). Geralt and Triss are just friends, really,... as far as those things go.

It does still look very, very odd but I can't wait to test one out myself. Most interesting new controller since.... the PS1 controller?

It probably didn't sell well but the modern syndicate was a pretty good game with a fantastic coop mode. Gameplay was really great. Personally I'm sad it didn't have more success, but they probably should have done it as a spin-off to a classic syndicate strategy title because, obviously, that's what people expected.

Man the fuck up?

Probably the hating brings many clicks of the bitter personas hiding in the deep, dark corners of the internet.

Considering the amount of time you can sink into this game, the price is still justified. Base game for PC is around 25-30$ nowadays, though.

Bought the expansion for 28 euros. You just need to know where to look.

Torment 3 and up is pretty good exp wise if your character can kill stuff there fast, but as I've been told expansion will introduce a couple of features, bounties/adventure mode, which makes leveling paragon ridiculously easy/even easier than now. Been told about rates at least 2-3 times as high as currently. And the

Playing Fifa or SF with a couple of friends in the living room is still one of the best experiences you can have with gaming. Reminds me quite alot of high-school and college time. Good times. Playing online with VoiP tools is nice but just can't be compared to it. It also gives me a proper reason to drink beer.

Hard to tell if Bethesda is going to endorse an Open Source rendition of their intellectual property. I do not wish it for the project but Bethesda could put a cease and desist order on it.

*Totally*over it. Loving the changes, the new loot, the pacing etc. etc.. Can't wait for the expansion. I decided to get it way before this patch but this decision is absolutely solidified now. Also the new Paragon system is a big plus in motivation.

You should never consider a Paradox Interactice Strategy title like Crusader Kings. Total War is a very simple, action-oriented strategy title.

Empire because you won't need another Total War game if you got into that. If you're on a tight time schedule I'd consider Rome 2 or Shogun 2. I still think Shogun is way too linear and endgame feels limited and montone, even more so than Rome.

Verrrry eeehnnnteresting. It doesn't take much to make me want to go play more State of Decay—writing this article has pretty much done the trick—and Lifeline sounds like a more than suficient reason to go back. Crack open a cold one for me, Lily.

Not raiding at all is one of the best ways to enjoy a MMO. No drama, no douches, no bullshit.

Seems like the Bioshock: Infinte that should have been to me. A beautiful wonderland of degenerated horror.

Damn I need to grab some kids, make them high on weed, and let them make video games for me. I'm gonna be rich!

You don't need to. If you didn't like D3, why should you buy the expansion anyway? If you didn't like the main game they could ask for 20$ and you'd still have something to complain.