
What he means is they’ve run out of room. They need to add a new wing. They’re calling it The Robert E Lee Center for White Studies.

Society has been convinced that kink caters entirely to violent male desires. Therefore anything, including the murder of women must be excused as consensual in the name of “kink”.

We tried to tell y’all that the leftist/progressive/socialist focus on classism centers white men. Lefty white men need classism as it’s the one issue where they can center themselves. They need it so they can dismiss misogyny, racism, transphobia etc. They use classism to deny the existence of other oppressive

Awe <3 <3 My youngest used to want to marry our dog. So adorable! 

I have a slightly different view... that the presidency was (to him) just what was visible on TV... it was a TV show that was all about a guy (the president) making bad deals. He figured that he could do all the great TV stuff, have Jared do the rest, and he’d get to play golf and fire people.

Their goal is less about succeeding in overturning the election and more about ensuring enough of the country views Biden’s Presidency as illegitimate.

We really can’t afford to be dismissive of this, the way we were dismissive of Trump’s campaign in 2015. Or how we were dismissive of Trump fighting the Mueller investigation in the press.

Never count on white people, men or women. The system was built for us and selfishness is our greatest political motivator. The soon to be celebrated college educated whites who defect to Biden will go right back to the Republicans once Trump is gone. Defending the voting rights of Black and Latinx voters is the way

Here’s the fix if the Democrats win and can find a spine:

You need a stiff shot of My Name is Nobody.

I did say ‘old white guy’, so yeah.

He’s old white guy masculine:

The problem is people always bring that up, blame the women instead of the justice system and never do anything about it. 

I also hate that he is getting all of this attention for this bit, as if he is the first comedian to make this point. There are far funnier lady comedians who have been making this point for a while.

I think some of the backlash may be due to the fact that Bill Burr has a long history of maligning feminism in general. In an old bit he suggested that Michelle Obama isn’t qualified to give speeches and stated that the only reason she is liked is because she is a woman. He does with feminism what Chappelle does with

That statement requires that there was evidence of beauty to blend in the first place.

Anyone who thinks that a minority group’s votes don’t matter need to pay attention to the Tea Party. That group was undeniably a minority within the Republican caucus. By voting together, they shifted the entire Republican party to the right. Black folks voting consistently is powerful. These protests would not have

Ohio starts early voting today and things are looking good. This is Hamilton County Ohio which includes Cincinnati.

I want him to endure years if not decades of humiliation.

The difference between Trump and most of the others on this list is how many high-risk categories he falls into: age, BMI, and--as we now know from his tax returns--low income.