
I don’t have the exact reference, but to the question about super strength/super-durability, etc. there was an Ultimate X-Men arc where it was revealed that when Colossus took on his metal form, he actually did not gain any enhanced strength and would be unable to lift his arms. He was, in fact, taking a sort of

I’m curious if there is any more choice in the quest or side-quests. I big issue I had with Origins is that often you had a very nuanced situation, but your only option is to kill everyone (like the one where the Egyptian girl got the Greek guy drunk and married him, but it was really a trick and now your only option

I’m not sure what the big deal is? I’ve seen similar warnings in New Jersey. I even saw them for extreme heat this summer.

Sorry - the Morrowind expansion for Elder Scrolls Online, I believe.

Now playing

Reddit was just an example. If you’re a Jeopardy contestant, you are assumed to have a broad knowledge of US culture, and at least surface level knowledge of a lot of different things, and you probably use things like news aggregation sites (like Reddit) to consume a lot of surface level knowledge of various topics

If you browsed Reddit’s frontpage - or heck Forbes.com frontpage - a couple times a week you would know what Destiny and The Elder Scrolls are. Think about this - millions of people worldwide have purchased and played Destiny 2 in the last year. How many people - outside of English/literature majors have ever read

I still use my Vita to play Destiny all the time. It’s pretty much how I clear the Flashpoint and do Patrols/Bounties/Planetary Challenges every week. I can do it in bed, or while someone else is watching TV or whatever else.

It’s further compounded by the new, stingier infusion system that prevents you from just using Edge Transit to infuse whatever other weapon you want all the time. 

As a male player, I was totally not into Rinoa. Quistis was more my style. When Rinoa was cryogenically frozen, I was like, “Good, maybe now I can make something happen with Quistis.”

But Spider-Cop has been my favorite bit in the game so far! :-D

If this is the JRPG I’m thinking of, on Xbox 360 this was a steaming turd from a technical perspective. I remember pop-in, major frame-rate issues, and just all around ugly models and textures.

This is old news. I was working in a call center in 2006, and this is what we would do for fun on slow days:
“How many clicks from Cleopatra to Mega Man X?”
“Sanjiv got 6, I bet I can do it in 5!

I think you’re very confused about who is going to be angry about a Disney movie having an openly lesbian character...

I feel like you must be doing something weird to have so many problems. I’ve had a PS4 for 4 years, and I’ve had one analog stick wear through the rubber, but that’s it. AND I have a 4 and a 6 year old who play on it for an hour most days (and put random stickers on the controller, and throw the controller in a rage

Every person complaining about Forsaken: “I played this game for 500 hours this year, and I’m so mad that I have to pay more money if I want to spend 500 hours playing the new stuff next year.”

I thought the quests in AC:Origins were fine, and they did a decent job fleshing out the background and the struggle between the native Egyptians and their Greek ruling class. What hurt them a bit for me is that I felt like a lot of them had a bit of nuance too them, but you only ever had one solution.

We’ve been over this - “4vengers: 4ever”
Or alternatively - “4vengers: 4ever w4r”

Max Payne 3 is good if only for giving us a taste of the original Max Payne with updated visuals.

I mean, it’s certainly no match for Oliver Queen’s island wig in a CW-verse bad wig-off.

I feel like my whole life, every time someone has questioned my use of a spoon, has been in preparation for this moment.