If this is the JRPG I’m thinking of, on Xbox 360 this was a steaming turd from a technical perspective. I remember pop-in, major frame-rate issues, and just all around ugly models and textures.
If this is the JRPG I’m thinking of, on Xbox 360 this was a steaming turd from a technical perspective. I remember pop-in, major frame-rate issues, and just all around ugly models and textures.
This is old news. I was working in a call center in 2006, and this is what we would do for fun on slow days:
“How many clicks from Cleopatra to Mega Man X?”
“Sanjiv got 6, I bet I can do it in 5!”
I feel like you must be doing something weird to have so many problems. I’ve had a PS4 for 4 years, and I’ve had one analog stick wear through the rubber, but that’s it. AND I have a 4 and a 6 year old who play on it for an hour most days (and put random stickers on the controller, and throw the controller in a rage…
Every person complaining about Forsaken: “I played this game for 500 hours this year, and I’m so mad that I have to pay more money if I want to spend 500 hours playing the new stuff next year.”
I thought the quests in AC:Origins were fine, and they did a decent job fleshing out the background and the struggle between the native Egyptians and their Greek ruling class. What hurt them a bit for me is that I felt like a lot of them had a bit of nuance too them, but you only ever had one solution.
Max Payne 3 is good if only for giving us a taste of the original Max Payne with updated visuals.
I feel like my whole life, every time someone has questioned my use of a spoon, has been in preparation for this moment.
Because it’s dull you twit! It’ll hurt more!
But you might be up against someone who knows the category better than you who would have turned it into a big win. So the importance is 50% the potential for more money yourself and 50% preventing someone else from getting that money.
I contributed an Espeon to round out an all Eveevolution gym recently! I was bummed when someone took it down like an hour later. I’m Team Valor though, so it wasn’t the same one.
It would have been tragic if the victim had been anything other than a Dodge Intrepid.
I mean, Saint-14 apparently made it to 14 before the Vex got him permanently.
Right - even if the story and world proves to be much deeper and more involved than Destiny, it’s not going to have the same kind of pull as Destiny if the shooting doesn’t feel good.
This is somewhat to be expected, no? Their best game is Life is Strange which did not have combat, and Remember Me was a great concept with great designs marred by a “meh” combat system, and linear levels.
I haven’t played much Fortnite, but I was really disappointed at how slow and useless the pickaxe is as a weapon. I figured it would be a 2-3 hit kill situation, but I was sorely mistaken.
I’m pretty sure my dog could do this much damage if I left her in the car long enough.
<Seinfeld voice> What’s up with “New Girl”? She’s known all these people for years now. Now very “new” anymore is she? Amiright?
Tested with headphones - on properly it’s “Yanny” if I reverse them it’s “Laurel.”
Its’s a perfectly fine fight with a smart coordinated team on headsets. It’s absolutely the worst thing in the known history of the universe with 2 randos and no one on voice chat.
Yeah, all the kids say “smash” these days anyway. ;)