
Wait, what about the Joker’s true name? Does anything come of that?

What I meant was, “This will not change my intent to purchase the game, reduce my enjoyment of the game, cost me sleep at night, or make me reconsider who I will vote for in the next presidential election,.” Not, “This statement will not have any effect (affect? I always get those mixed up) on any person or thing.”

Right, because you’re assuming based on a couple of internet comments that I don’t know or care about any trans or gay people?

I didn’t say that it was extreme. I’m saying it doesn’t make sense. Doesn’t effect anything in the world other than me thinking it’s weird. If this message makes some people feel more included, that’s great. It’s also going to make lots of people say “Huh?” and inevitably make a Fox News story about how video games

It’s odd that you feel the need to announce it every time someone boots up the game. The original disclaimer was a CYA about things that might be offensive to various religious traditions. The new one is... I don’t know? Is Ubi going to start putting it on all of their games now? Is there something specific in the

Was that a hissy fit? Maybe that was some sarcasm? I don’t care. It doesn’t change the fact that I’m going to buy and play the game. I just find this new disclaimer to be odd.

I guess my point is that it’s gone from being a disclaimer of “Hey, some of this stuff might be offensive to people of various religious beliefs, but we tried to include people who fit your perspective and many other perspectives in its creation.” to being an announcement of “Hey, we’re a super awesome and progressive

I’m all for treating people with respect regardless of race, orientation, etc., but generally developers don’t announce that the game was made by a homogenous committee of cis-males (if that was the case). If it’s going to be revealed that the Assassin’s are all secretly gay, and the Archbishop of Canterbury is really

The original message pretty much read as “Christians, Muslims, Atheists, and people who don’t really care about religion collaborated on this game about Christians and Muslims stabbing each other, so you’re not allowed to get offended by it.”

Definitely. It’s all about the photoshoot. One of the linked articles describes the binge eating that happens after the shoot, and then it’s back to working out and eating in a somewhat sensible manner (some eat relatively normal, others eat paleo, or keto, or some other low carb diet) until the next shoot. It’s a

The thing is with these people, is that when they’re not preparing for a shoot, they are in fantastic shape, they just might not have a visible six pack or much vascularity. The process is about taking a healthy, attainable physique, and turning it into something that looks a step beyond that.

From what I hear from people in the know, drug tests are intelligence tests. Some PEDs need to be tested for within hours. LOTS of “natural” competitors are using PEDS, they’re just using them more carefully and in more moderation than the guys who compete in non-tested competitions.

See, I thought that the Jetta Sportswagen was already called the Golf Sportswagen everywhere else in the world, and had always been more of a “Long Golf” than a “Hatchback Jetta.”

According to Wikipedia, her first appearance was in Space Jam... in 1996.

I drove a Turbo Diesel HiAce around Honduras for a week, and I’m pretty sure it’s my favorite car ever.

I’m pretty sure that’s from an older album. The Final Frontier came out in 2010.

As a non former freelance editor, “production values” reads to me like “Everything looks nice and works as expected.”

I think this is where people are getting mixed up with the game. It’s not the “production values” it’s the thought and art that went into the game. There’s a difference between “Wow, this game has great graphics!” and “Wow, this game has great art!” I think most of The Order’s detractors are saying the former, while

Judas returns and is redeemed?

Loved God of War 1 and 2, played the demo for 3, and stopped when you have to tear Helios’ head off.