
I played on PS3, and DA:Keep used my PSN Trophies to get really close to lining up all of my choices. I guess you would have needed to link you PSN and Origin accounts for that to work?

It probably is coming out of Standby temporarily to do those things, or it has multiple levels of Standby. Just like my PS3 can do all of those things when it's "off."

Basically in "Standby" the drives and video are powered down, but the memory remains active, which requires a small amount of current. You don't want to unplug it, for the same reason that you don't want to unplug it when it's on. Honestly though, there's probably less risk of damage from power loss when it's on

Dude. It's only about 5% more fake than your average pop super-star performance. I mean, if you go to a Katy Perry concert, the vocals are all pitch corrected (if not lip synced for at least some of the songs), most of the music is coming from backing tracks, not musicians on a stage. In fact, in that regard, the

I think the Accord might just be the archtype: "Remember the <insert boring import economy box sedan from 1989>? Now it accelerates like Ferrari!" People might believe that Chevy or Ford was building "performance" sedans, but Honda or Toyota? In 1989?

For pictures of fast cars and LOLz? For stimulating conversations in the comments? Top ten lists? I'm not sure...

And... you gave him a long boring scientific explanation. :)

I actually watched the GIF for a minute, like - is he going to do anything other than Japan Air?

You can get enough weights on Craigslist to keep you in Crossfit (or even strength training) for a long time for the cost of about two months at your average box. Add in new power rack and you've built a home gym for less than the cost of 6 months of Crossfit.

On a personal level, I would agree that employers should include a full range of birth control options in their health plans. I think what's getting hairy here is who can be mandated to do what. There's a slippery slope both ways. You have a slippery slope where now a Catholic organization can try to deny employees

The average individual policy

The employee's pay into the health plan is only a small part of the total cost to the employer for group insurance coverage. One of my previous employers sent me a break down, and I was paying ~$1200 a year for coverage, but they were paying an additional ~$4,000 just for my coverage.

Different. You pay a small amount into a group plan, which your employer pays the majority of the cost as a **BENEFIT** not as part of your salary. I think employers should have at least a small degree of freedom into how they manage your **BENEFITS** you should have all of the freedom in how you manage your salary.

Actually, big problem with this whole debate, Hobby Lobby only wanted to exclude 4 out of 20 birth control products from their medical plans. Specifically morning after pills (Plan B and Ella) and to forms of IUDs. So my question is, if your employer is paying for your birth control, why don't they get some say in

You don't actually fight this guy, but he provides a much larger sense of scale than Kefka -

Ssssssshhhhh. Anyone who's actually played FXIII for more than an hour knows that the "auto play" criticism is ludicrous.

Based on the criteria that you've outlined that differentiates a Crossover from a Station Wagon, you could also say that a sedan in 2014 isn't really a sedan. I mean, in 1985 most mass market sedans rode on 14 inch tires had weak suspensions and were essentially boxes on wheels. The modern sedan - say a Honda Accord -

Um. Dude. Crossovers are built on a sedan or compact platform with a hatchback and expanded seating or cargo areas. What exactly is a station wagon if it's not a sedan with a hatchback and expanded seating and/or cargo area? Just because you gave it a couple extra inches of lift doesn't change what it is.

On the bright side, it means one less cop car that the taxpayers need to pay for. ;)

I would try a 2.0 TDI before I make a judgement about the car. It's as fun to drive than any of the comparable larger compacts I've driven, and more utilitarian than most of the SUVs in it's price range. Plus you can get 50+ MPG on long highway drives.