
I love sleeping in bed with pets! My current kitty will occasionally sleep in the bed with me and my husband, but she goes through phases (one week it will be in bed, the next on a nightstand, etc.)

No my husband had two children he refuses to support.

trumps going to disown Eric, adopt Stephen, marry Ivanka, kill Jared and fuck Bannon.

Maybe it’s just me but it looked a whole lot like Hillary’s emails. Was this pot grown in Benghazi? Was it sold...at a certain...pizza...sex...ring? Look out, it’s George Soros! *runs away*

Obama ordered a burger with Dijon once so they’re both bad if you think about it.

JFC, just press the “button” and end it already, Cheeto. I can’t take it anymore.

I see. Entering the US in contravention of federal statutes that require passing through CBP checkpoints is a crime. So, I can see why anyone who has committed such a crime is called “an illegal.” But then in America is everyone else who has ever committed a crime — say, not reporting their Amazon purchases to their

“illegal” as a noun is shorthand/slang for illegal immigrant.

Thanks for the correction. English isn’t my strong point. Could you also tell me what an illegal is? In ESL class I learned that illegal is an adjective, not a noun.

I am not certain people would enjoy carrying the bourbon of that. I know it would be unbeerable to many, and that wine would flow freely in the aftermath, but we can probably expect inevitable accusations of racism to make a conviction too whisky. Luckily, this isn’t the era of Tequila Mockingbird, so I don’t think

White liberal guys did not give us the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, the EEOC, FMLA, etc.