@mawcs: I agree with choice, but Android is fragmented. But, I don't necessarily see that as always negative. Having different choices everywhere you turn is what makes Android amazing, but I do think there is a middle ground somewhere.
@mawcs: I agree with choice, but Android is fragmented. But, I don't necessarily see that as always negative. Having different choices everywhere you turn is what makes Android amazing, but I do think there is a middle ground somewhere.
@KnightNZ: There is only one thing I would change about the Android landscape, and that would be to create minimum hardware specs that handset makers should follow.
@MrSmoofy: I am amazed at how many people I have seen running a 360 on it's side, on the carpet. People like that shouldn't be allowed to game.
@cruzer555: I usually change mine, but no matter what color a user has made their theme on a Windows machine, iTunes looks like a piece of trash software from the 90's. It's one of the only programs I can think of that does not use Aero, and for a company that obsesses over every pixel, iTunes is a forgotten step…
@Firesphere: This might sound crazy, but a friend of mine also had terrible skin that no one could diagnose or treat, and it ended up being food allergies causing skin irritations. Not saying it is the answer, but her allergy doctor said the majority of people with food allergies have skin conditions that are never…
@leGodt: I think it is both. Apple knows how to get free hype and excitement over it's announcements and products, but blogs and media outlets are eager to get hyped up and excited about Apple no matter what.
@iStig: The only way it would feasibly work is if they authorized all of the songs in your personal library, and then let you stream those specific songs from their existing servers.
I have my current desktop above my head, with the side pulled off, (stock Dell 537s case and internals. I'm just a poor boy), and it works pretty damn good. I pulled the side off because it seemed to run hot, and my house has very little dust, I haven't had any problems yet.
I'm not sure if a Gmail addition into social will really take off with anyone except the geek crowd. I know quite a few people that think Facebook is a part of the internet. They don't think it is a website, they think it is literally part of the internet and there is no other option. Somehow Facebook aligned the…
There used to be a show on Public Access television where I live about some crazy dude (not this guy) that lived in the woods and filmed it. I used to think that was the coolest shit ever when I was a kid.
I have tried a couple of these apps for the iPhone, but I keep going back to the mobile version of Google Reader. A mobile optimized version of the Google Reader web page does what I need, and nothing else.
@BrownDanielUSN: That's what I am waiting for. I want nice hardware, and a UI designed to work on that hardware. Trying to cram an OS onto something it wasn't designed for isn't really my style.
@Scarred4life: I think if they had waited any longer, someone else would have taken their place.
@QLAB: I find that Google is far too vague with the way it treats it's developers and it's hardware partners. For being an open platform, there is very little communication about what is really going on.
I think this speaks more about Google and their lack of focus on the Android platform, than it does on a failure by Samsung.
@kitkatklub123: In the beginning, I don't think it comes with network service, the only connectivity it comes with is tethering with a BlackBerry, and I think WiFi.
This looks like a publicity stunt.
@ehed: Look on Craigslist, or stop by a local feed store, or an Atwoods or Tractor Supply or something similar, and there should be a bulletin board where people usually post information about that, especially that time of year.
@Prairie Moon: My WiFi is just now back up after three days.
@AD: That depends on how bad you want an iPod touch. If you haven't ever fixed one, and it has that much wrong with it, chances are you may not be able to fix it.