@jeremiah89: I tried upgrading my netbook last night and the install crashed halfway through :( It installed fine on my desktop though, I am really liking it.
@jeremiah89: I tried upgrading my netbook last night and the install crashed halfway through :( It installed fine on my desktop though, I am really liking it.
@Victor L: I got an iPhone for Christmas and gave my iTouch to my little sister. She was fairly happy with it.
@zombies.like.lattes.too: Unless you have a family counting on your paycheck, I would pack up and find something else, life is too short to spend filling out TPS reports.
@virgilstar: I used to work construction and our crew could do a roof in a day pretty easy... but that was metal roofs, not shingles.
@ericesque: I asked her to marry me, but 7 told me she was too good for me :(
@IrrationalDad: All a hacker has to crack is your Google pw. I would be cautious of keeping all my passwords in the cloud.
@mousky: I like that because then I can make notes on the appropriate slides as the speaker is talking, but that's just me.
@Beall49: I am just waiting for a decent Android handset on AT&T, as soon as that happens, it's goodbye Apple.
@Nitesh Singh: I actually have the opposite experience on my netbook, Ubuntu takes longer than Win7 to start up.
@wunch: I am glad someone else thought that was a little bit too good to be true. My iTunes occasionally loses files without me doing anything, I can't imagine the mayhem that would occur if I tried moving the library to to a different directory.
@pixelman: They are prolly playing media through the dropbox web interface, from a different computer than the music is stored locally, in the Chrome browser.
@bustedchain: I use mesh as a backup for essential documents on my desktop, but I have a mac laptop and an Ubuntu netbook, Mesh does not play nice with them like dropbox does.
@Skid-Vicious: The full version of Outlook is like that too, it does not separate files, it balls them all together into a single .pst file that constantly becomes corrupted. I would like to find the genius that thought that was a good idea.
@jupiterthunder: I have been hearing rumbling of Microsoft unveiling Windows Live 4, it's been rumored that it will combine live sync and mesh and skydrive into one super amazing file syncing service.
I usually spend the entire day opening stories in tabs, but not reading them, and go back through in the evening to read everything I found during the day.
Multi-Monitor Taskbar is another free option to add a second or third taskbar if you don't want to pay for the pro versions of displayfusion or UltraMon.
Here is another good one, it works as a FF extension. I have been using it for a few months now and loving it.
@devwild: The only thing I am interested in is the bag of crap. My old roommate was a pro at snagging them, but I never can seem to make it happen.
I also get the need to snack when I drink. Everybody else is passing out and I am making a 4 course meal for myself, probably not good for the waist line.