
@Phoshi: Gave an hour of presentations this week, handed in a business plan for Advanced business class I have been slaving over for the past 14 weeks, and I have two consecutive law tests in an hour (why am I on LH right now?).

@mgw4jc: In my collection I simply uncheck them. Every couple months I go back through all of my unchecked music to see if anything deserves a second chance, but usually it stays where it is. And it is pretty easy to add an exclusion to not include certain songs.

@S@ndman: I have a few playlists set up like this, ones that feed off other smart playlists to make one super specific playlist, but I will have to look into this one a bit further, thanks.

I need something like this for my 360, I have the tendency to lose track of time whilst in the heat of battle

VOTE: friends

"due to properly failing to follow procedure"- I would say that properly should be taken out.

After reading that article I find it extremely amazing that I am able to achieve anything during the day.

@TheFu: I have been using the ribbon interface for about 4 years now, and it's hard to go back to traditional menus. If Office 2003 and XP works for you, super.

@Nitesh Singh: The only time I update iTunes is if I get a new device that requires it. If they made iTunes a native windows application instead of running on some bullshit virtual machine crap that makes it think it's on a mac system, then I might update it again.

@Henri Nivala: I am in the same situation, all my videos are encoded in .avi.

If it is a windows patch or a security update I install those ASAP. Anything else is delayed until I have time to test the update in a virtual machine or my netbook, I learned my lesson on installing updates on my main system a while ago.

@gMan: I kind of use that method, every password depends on what website it is for. But mine has a few more variables and special characters. Technically since there is a common pattern someone could crack it, but I use a different login name for pretty much every site too, so I think that adds to the complexity. I

Very good tip, I remove the search bar to save space, this is just what I have been looking for.

This looks pretty sweet, having iPhone OS and Android in one device is very appealing to me.

I watch 2 TV shows, The Office and 30 Rock, and I buy the seasons on DVD so Hulu loses there for me. And I can already watch more movies than I can handle on multiple devices with Netflix, remind me again why I need this?

Personally I like to keep my real life and facebook separate, but that's just me.

Is there any use for wave for solo projects? I personally don't know anyone who uses it so collaboration is out, and I can't find a use for it for just me and myself.

Is there a way for MultiMon to not look like it is from WIN2K? It does the job, but it throws the look off quite a bit on my system.