
@SubjectToChange: I like this one. I haven't tried the chrome one yet to see if the features are comparable, but this one works pretty well.

I see this as a good reminder that nothing in the cloud is completely secure.

I have been waiting for something like this to come along, not being able to keep dropbox on a removable drive is very irksome.

Someday I will be wealthy enough to put this into action. I will also be rich enough to not care when everyone who comes over to my house calls me a giant doucher.

@whiteflea: I do that every now and again, but I have trouble sticking with it, usually the extent of my daily goals is to win 5 COD matches and sleep. My give a damn somehow got busted along the way.

@Buster Friendly: That is part of my problem, I am still undecided as to what I want to do with my life, (future job/career) so it feels like college is a whole lotta effort just to head into a giant unknown.

@Gann: That is part of my problem, my social circle is basically my three computers and my 360, and my hardware does not give me a whole lot of valuable feedback. Perhaps I should look into changing that up.

@farcedude: Everybody says "exercise". I should have also included that I am chronically lazy.

@Terry: I have thought about that, I have a lot of weird thoughts and ideas swimming around that never meet with any sort of resolution. Interferes with my already sub-par concentrating abilities.

@Archnemesis_Goldenhair: I am a senior, albeit a senior in college. For some stupid reason I entered college with the high aspiration of being an accountant. No offense to any accountants out there, but I could care less if A=L+OE.

@DaveyNC: To clarify, I am a senior, but by the time I graduate I will be a 5th year senior, just can't get enough.

@gtddilettante: Reading a good self help book or two may be of some use to me, I find that simply changing my routine and the way I do things helps me to get things done. I thrive on change and variability and I don't get a lot of that while in school.

@TheFu: I use the summer as my recharge time, and I have three weeks left, if I can make it till then I will be golden. I plan on traveling as much as my bank account will allow, hopefully that will help.

I like your advice, especially the leaving the country part, I feel like I need a break from my life for a bit.

@beraldir: When I first tried lightscribe I had high hopes, but then I found out it was only black and white, very disappointing.

@JCSopko: I have a 10.1 inch Acer Aspire One that I carry pretty much everywhere with me. I upgraded it to 2 gigs of RAM, but the only problem I have is with the Atom processor, simple things like opening a new tab in FF takes forever. The Dell Mini 10 is another netbook option, and both models can be upgraded to an

@pinecone99: I am 22, one semester plus three weeks left. I discovered three years in that I hate creating balance sheets and I don't have the time or money to change majors.

@tc4001: I would first try a new data cable, if that doesn't work I would take it to an Apple store. Even if the warranty is out they sometimes will give you a break.

@Chispea: I had one term paper due this week, and two next week. Then the week after that is finals week.

@chris0089: You can buy the current generation Nano on ebay for less than a benjamin, good luck getting $150 for it.