
@klmrlkn555: I am a guy, but in my personal experience most girls are creeped out when I make eye contact with them

We had to have sliding chain locks at the tops of all our doors growing up, my sister would sleep walk and wake up outside and freak out. I thought it was funny but for some reason my parents didn't think so.

@oneshot719: I think LH has been keeping the iPad posts to a minimum, Giz on the other hand has had iPad posts out the wazoo for about the past two months. At the beginning I felt like you, but now I am just too worn out to complain about it anymore.

@yogibimbi: lol, no, it was just late and I had seen about 14 too many iPad articles that day, made for a rather ignorant comment in hindsight.

My main problem with the iPad is that I am too damn lazy for it. If my ass is in a chair sitting down I don't want to have to move my hands and fingers and slide to scroll and pinch to zoom, where does it end! Pressing keys and clicking mouse buttons wears me out as it is after about two shakes of an iPhone. When

@WestwoodDenizen: I feel the same way, I'm hoping that after this weekend the fever will die down. Or they will change the name to iPadmodo, it's about 50/50 at this point.

I bought some cheap HDMI cables from Amazon, they work great but if my cell phone is on the desk the monitors go black when I get a text or a call, the price of being a cheapskate I guess.

I tried thinking of a complaint for WIN7, but I couldn't come up with anything. I've been running it full time for about 7 months now and not a single BSOD, no crashes, boot ups are fast as hell... what the hell is this OS and what happened to Windows!!

@webarnes: The main reason I see would just be speed, USB 2.0 is a fair bit faster than any method syncing OTA.

I use the same system for every password, but all of them are different. I have always used a combination of acronyms and numbers, and I've never had any problems. To me it makes perfect sense, but to anyone else it is a string of upper and lower case letters with numbers randomly inserted intermittently.

@Attmay: The Dell Aero was announced recently, but I don't think it has a release date other than "soon". And knowing At&T it will be crippled and locked down like the backflip.

Vote: Opera Unite

I like the times when my goal of taking a 20 minute power nap is transformed into a 3 hour "super power nap".

I will stick with DVD Flick, I can't remember the last time I burned a movie with an added menu. I have burned at least 100 movies with it and I can't remember having a problem with any of them.

Go to sleep at 4 am, wake up at 7 am, take nap from 6~9 pm. Most people think my schedule is a little odd, but it works for me.

two words: Tina Fey A.K.A. Liz Lemon!!

I am still sticking with FF. Chrome is decent, but every now and then it just stalls, not crash, just won't load pages until I restart the computer, I can't seem to find a fix

Closest Ben and Jerry's is 206 miles away, why must you torment me lifehacker?

I have the best luck drinking my coffee cold and black. If I drink it warm, or with sugar, I become very good friends with the restroom. I haven't tried using a higher quality coffee, I need to do further testing into this physiological phenomenon.