I’m fairly certain Friday the 13th is already on PS4, I have it on PS4. It came out on PS4 back on May 26th.
...what are you talking about? Did you just compare Harvey Weinstein to Elon Musk? Some of you need to calm down a bit, maybe take a break from the internet.
If Forza 7 were free, then loot boxes would be a necessary evil. But loot boxes have no business being in a $60 game, and Forza 7 will be the first game in the franchise that I’m not buying.
That’s... Really really lame. I hope nobody buys into it. I usually just purchase the base game anyway.
Must be you, because I certainly don’t have any “minute long” loading times. Actually it’s quite fast. Zero delay. I’d say my PS4 and Xbox One are right on par with each other.
Huh sounds pretty cool
The hell are you talking about? Did you just miss the first half of the year where we got Nioh, Horizon ZD, Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0, Persona f*ckin 5? 2017 has been one of the best years for Playstation. I mean just look at the releases for 2017, releases are Strategically placed out so you at least get 1 Playstation…
Fuck all these people
I will buy a Switch when *proper* Animal Crossing releases.
held out for this and finally got it.
as someone who ALWAYS get hardware on release day, it’s nice to have avoided the early adopter duping this time XD
I’m glad they didn’t change more – it would have sucked for people (including me) who bought PSVR if they released a headset with better screens now so shortly after launch.
As someone who owns the first VR headset, the added feature is not much of a deal breaker since I do not have an HDR TV. Though I sure have wanted that new cable layout.
EA could have done much better, but if Nintendo had a better backend I imagine it would have been much easier for anyone to implement their online functionality.
If you spent maybe 5 minutes on google then you would have your answer. Nintendo has, for the entirety of their existence, favored first party developers. This favoritism comes into play in the from of lack of support, and lack of documentation.
I am tempted to reactivate my Twitter account just so I can tell the “President” of the United States that he’s a fucking pig.
And, of course, the Orthodox Fundamentalist Faction of the Nintendo Faithful are out in force, defending this, already.
I will forever take issue with games that are labeled as sequels but are actually prequels.
I’m happy to get a digital copy of MGS5, won’t have to get the disc out anymore.