Generally things like that are saved for later on. It’s rude to bring up things like that the day of someone’s passing.
Generally things like that are saved for later on. It’s rude to bring up things like that the day of someone’s passing.
A man can dream of zen 2 goodness that makes these consoles hit 60fps reliably
On the other side of the coin the gaming market wouldn’t be as big or prevalent without consoles. Plus, the longer consoles wait until they launch a new gen, the bigger the graphical leap when it does happen. Sony is also supposedly helping AMD with their new processor so if we get a Zen 2 in the ps5 I’d be pretty…
Ditto. $15 is steep for a single skin but I’m down for any reason to give money to charity
Because it’s a hell of a lot easier than using your phone. There is no scenario where using your phone is easier than using a native app on the console
Xbox live is only $60 a year, or $5 a month when you break it down, and it was still bullshit that they had things like Netflix paywalled behind it. But people made their voices heard and shit actually changed, instead of just rolling over and and telling yourself “it’s not that bad” like you are.
Just because it’s cheap doesn’t make it ok
No, the voice chat on the app was ridiculous before and it still is. Just because we’ve known about it for a year doesn’t make their decisions dumb
My point is that just because someone has access to saves on a usb doesn’t mean the console will get hacked. It hasn’t happened to the other two so it’s something that’s certainly possible, unless Nintendo coded their system poorly
The PS4 and Xbox one would like to say hello with their ability to back saves up through usb
It’s not the $20 that breaks the bank. It’s that I have to pay $20 if I want peace of mind for my save data and we still have to use that dumb app to voice chat
A year out and we’re still waiting for more details on something that should have been there day 1. Ridiculous
I get way more for that $60 than Nintendo could even fathom to offer. This for $20 is laughable. An app to voice chat, paywalled cloud saves, and NES games? Please, this thing blows chunks
Why is it when it’s f2p no matter the cost it’s a paywall but when it’s nintendo people try to play it down like it’s no biggie?
Oh yay, I get to pay to do something simple like backup my saves. Woot, Nintendo hits gold again
I think the people who are money conscious aren’t the ones who own a nice 4K set.
Because Nintendo is greedy
Then maybe don’t whine and say it’s only worth $20
I think if you pre order Detroit you’d also get Heavy Rain for free
TIL a handsome fellow with a defined jaw line=Geralt